Time for a new level - Sheng Long. Cool name, though I didn't know what it was referring to. Looked it up and saw that this was a hoax created by EGM magazine 15 years ago. Supposedly he was a secret character in Street Fighter 2 that you could only reach if you used Ryu and got through the entire game w/o taking any damage, and then in your final battle against M. Bison you were not to touch him or let him touch you, ending the fight in a draw. This had to be repeated for 10 consecutive rounds with Bison! Then Sheng Long would appear and push Bison off the screen and start a figh to the death. Was anyone actually able to pull this off, and if they did imagine their disappointment when Sheng Long never showed up!
Anyway, here's a picture of me and my daughters. That's Heather (7) and Darrah (11) my two little angels (when they're not fighting with other!)