So I was thking what could be my nextblog, it came to me as I was trying to figure out how X360 could furthertake ove Ps3 in gaming console war. You guys all know I think that the gaming community has just abanded us as of latley but, Going back in my past gaming experience I notice they real big difference is game styles.
While we will always ways have a console First-Person-Shooter(FPS) what really are the console know for. Micorsoft decided to play kind of a trick on us as I sit back and think about this. The first Generation xbox was frist person shooter all all the way it was based around that, And some would argue that the best experience would be on one of there first-person experience, I.E (halo) along with many others.
On the flip side of that, you got the playstaion2 and now playstaion 3. As a gamer I never really looked at the playstaion as a Frist-Person-Shooter, and I think most other gamers don't either. this brings me too my question and what this whole blog is about.
Since Playstion inception it's been champ because of it Role-Playing-Games, I.E (Final Fantasy vII) just to name one of there best in the serious. But if this is true then How do we judge and see if one will dominate the gaming world.
With that said Real-Time vs Turn-Base, There is a obivous difference, and I wanted to try and pose the question which is better and the reason I posing this question is because if playstation lives and dies by there RpG style, are we seeing a shift cause Microsoft which comes from the FPS computer Background has change the game.
Now it' more like Microsoft third-person Rpg VS Sony TUrn-Base-Rpg, Everyone is looking for that battle to happen, and Microsoft has just threw the first punch of this heavey weight fight, with the game called MASS EFFECT, now the game was made by bio-ware the creators of KNIGHTS OF THE REPUBLIC and we all know that was one of microsoft best games, what my question is because americans are more prone to real-time action will sony abandon it's legacy and jump aboard the real-time movement.
I only ask this question cause I was curious to see what my fellow gamers thought about it, as I am not one to bash a console, just try to give a different perspective on the genre. I have played many games in my time, beaten most, and but loved all.
It just amazed me how the new nextgen is turning up, I of course am for xbox since i own one and it's american made but I have ps1 and ps2, and i'm conflicted about the ps3 for one reason. sony is known for it's rpg..then micro-soft comes in and challenges them with fps, and now tbrpg so can they stand up to this steady thrashing of Micro-soft or is the giant finally meet it's match.
I think that with the one two combination of Mass Effect and Halo it might be the death of Ps3 you know why, because sony has been beating at it's own game, they took the best of final fantasy and made the players moveable in real time, giving you total control over your character, and in my book that changes the game in to something that can't be beat..
Don't get me wrong I love turn-base, It's a ADVENTURE that only true-gamers can understand, and I'm looking foward to ps3 coming out with a Final Fantasy game for Ps3 Cause we know that's the only way they can survive. ( another blog) but what i was saying is that because of this, hybrid on the orginal, is it now time to face a reality that Micro-soft is the new king, Most will argue and say the ps3 needs a little more time,
But I say haven't we finally reach the maxium we can go as far as a game goes with halo3 and Mass Effect, Is it now time to start forcing quality vs quanity out of the gaming companies, Some may say this is a little to early to say the end to all ends as far as gaming is concern, but think about it, let me give you some examples of why i say this.
Bio-Shock, while pretty new, most of the gamer reviews have given this game the nex-gen star and why you say because the graphics, because of the gameplay, or the story, The only real gripe about the game is that it's a little too short, but most people just rush it anyway to see the end and then complain, like children who eat there cake to fast, (more More )
What i'm saying if that's the next gen mark for First-Person are we now going to compare every fps too this?
Another game Mass Effect- This game is being called the game that killed Ps3 It took the Kotr gameplay and graphics and gave it ghost recon and rainbow six ablity to control your squad and put psi-ops physics in there with combatput itall on a next gen level and your telling mePS3 IScapble of taking this kind of abuse.
I just don't believe it, They can not survive after this blow, I wish I could see the faces of all the gamers out therewhen this drops, cause i will be the one whoseen itfirst, Thanks gamespot for making me a prophet" Okay nuff on the big head
But serious gamers let me knowwhat you think leave a msgor go to my other blog
I'm not sure what else is coming out afterMass Effectbut i will say that it has to atleast be better thanthat game in order for anyone to get it.
Ask yourself a couple of question. What game got you sayingFirst-Person were okay, I tell youOblivion anybody that says this game isn't at leastgood is lying, my point is real-time Rpg are going to take over the Market Were sony bread and butter are Turn-base Rpg, Are they going to stick to there guns or change with nextgen and be a clonex360
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