Well it has been a long, long time since my last blog post. I'm around the site a lot of the time and making new friends on the way, but I never seem to put enough energy in to writing blog entries. Changing that will be hard as I make a lot promises I find hard to keep (poor time keeping and organizational skills), but I'll try.
So first off why am I blogging now? Well I just leftthe infamous level 20, weird paradox of torture and entered the realm of peaceful level 21. That took months and good riddance to level 20! Like I said I'm on the site a lot these days and mostlydueto Gamespot's new GCN (Gaming Community Night). It's held (almost) every Wednesday night or Thursday morning (depending where you live). Because I live in the UK, it is Thursday mornings 3am - 5am. Which can be a b!tch, but I love it anyway! Unreal Tournament 2004, Halo 3 Beta and Half Life 2 are theonly three I've managed to join as yet, however I am looking forward to more.
Gaming in my life since the last time I posted hasbecome more hectic than ever!From November 2006 till now I've bought the three main consoles (PS3/360/Wii) andover a hundred games. Plus I've upgraded my PC a little but I won't be finished with this system until next month (need a second flat screen monitor). Out the three consoles I spend most of my time on the 360. Although my Wii will be getting some action next week with Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition. I missed it first, second and passed the third time round (Gamecube, PS2 and PC). I know, the shame... My PS3 will be awokenat the end of the summer with Lair!
On a final personal note, life has been steady with its peaks. I finally took my Comptia A+ exams and passed! So I'm now a qualified PC technician and I have the business card to prove it.Appropriately, I'm looking for a new job as the supermarket I currently work for $uck$ a$$! Tomorrow I'm off to a Star Wars exhibit in London to celebrate the 30th anniversary and I'll be back to London on the 14th of July for the 3 day Star Wars Celebration convention. Lastly, below is a photo of my recent trip to Paris for a Smallville celebration, yeah I'm a geek (surprise... surprise...).