Hey guys and gals
After seeing the Borderlands Claptrap model being created on the site, I thought I may as well post up some work I've been doing for you all to view, that I created in Modo (another popular 3D modeling package the guy said he uses).
So, I thought I would create this blog, and see what you all think. I first created it in the off topic forum, but it was a no go. I didn't even realise I could create a blog. Anyway :p
I have been creating an Xbox 360 controller, and I'm working on the console right now, in full detail (outside detail at least) in my spare time. None of these works are for any companies, or being paid for. They are for personal work for a portfolio for future use, as I've never had a job in the field :(
I have been working on this for quite a while now, but I hope you all like it, and any questions, I'll be happy to answer
These are all work in progress shots. Please click to see the full versions:
This was just an idea I may implement to create a two tone variant:
This is the work on the console itself with the wireframe also on the right:
I also created a Logitech Z-5500 speaker system a couple of years ago in the same fashion, and you can see two renders from that here:
Thanks for looking, any any replies/questions are welcome :)