All of what you said there was crap.There is much better music from both of these decades than all of what you said.
@Ace6301 said:Anybody seen Kill La Kill?Yeah. It's ridiculous, but probably the most entertaining show of either of the summer season or winter season thus far, excluding Monogatari.
@danishsnow said:1. Faust2. Lida Husik3. Talk Talk4. Tim Buckley5. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds6. Third Ear Band7. The Blind Street Musicians of Cusco8. My Bloody Valentine9. The Peter Brötzmann Octet10. BorbetomagusThis is a great, great list.
All you need to do is go here: hop and Hardcore are my favorite genres.Edit: And Jazz.
I just started using the site again since the change and I dunno how to change, but doing so would be great because the white is painful to look at.EDIT: Nevermind.
If you're a massive die hard fan of FF then any FF game is worth playing. Otherwise it's a waste of time, don't bother.
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