cgmann16's comments

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I love how an article like this gets ppl to scream at each other over whether it was worth it to make this vs. J&D. Just because you didn't enjoy one of those games doesn't justify hating the other one. If you played TLoU and hated it then that's one thing, but if you're going to bash it just because you didn't get a new Jak and Daxter as soon as you'd hoped you would... seems a little childish. I think both series have some great things to offer and Naughty Dog has never truly disappointed me. I'd think Jak and Daxter fans would be happy that they were unwilling to compromise that IP just for the sake of putting something new out when they knew they could focus on that project at a later date and do something truly worthy of the fans.

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@Hvac0120 BF3 takes up about 35Gb right now if you're a premium member. Not too surprising that BF4 is gonna start at 30.

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I guess these guys have never played any successful ip that spans multiple games because the base mechanics of most of my favorite series stay pretty consistent all the way through. I've played Asylum and City probably a combined ten times through, I'm completely fine with them doing more of the same with a couple extra gadgets set in a new narrative. If they can pull of a younger batman and a larger world without losing everything that I loved in the first two, I'll happily spam square (obviously they've never played challenge mode) into oblivion.

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@berethor099 Completely agree. I can't believe they would give it 2 points less than when it was on 3ds with no evidence to prove its any worse than that version. Why the hell would you let two difference people review the two different versions. I don't think with the tech we have now there should be a two point gap in the expectations of a game on full console versus handheld. Just saying.

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@Mingdoni @cgmann16 No, it was deathstroke, and the guy with the sniper rifle is deadshot. No Deadpool. They wouldn't cross over marvel characters like that.

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Edited By cgmann16

@Mingdoni Dude, its not a marvel cross over. That's Deathstroke, he is a DC character. They're not going to pollute Batman by bringing in Marvel.

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@BigAl519 I think you're correct in that a lot of review sites are full of crap and a game's popularity comes down to how the consumers like it. However, that being said, I don't think a game that didn't go over well with the masses is always a "bad" game. Case in point, there are a lot of us who loved ME3 and have beaten it three times through because we were willing to forgive the ending and enjoy it for what it was. The Masses are always capable of picking out one or two flaws and going nuts about them, so I think its only fair that evreyone judge it for themselves.

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They didn't "end" the mass effect universe. They've said before many times that they definitely plan to do other Mass Effect games, this is just the end of Shepard's story. This may just be multiplayer dlc, or they could add in extra missions as they did with overloard and shadow broker in ME2 so you can do more on a replay.

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Edited By cgmann16

@thphaca Valve doesn't give a piss about money? I think I almost just choked on my own saliva after reading that. Yes, Valve doesn't give a shit about money... hence the reason they hired the modders that created the original DOTA and got into a legal battle with Blizzard over the rights to the game mode... hence the reason they turned TF2 F2P as an economic experiment venturing into how best to run a micro transaction oriented game (which DOTA2 will be), hence the reason they have REFUSED to do a true half life 3 rather than catering to all the 12 year olds that will pay real money for some stupid in game item to make their medic look different from their 6 year old sister's medic. Sorry, not to be a dick but you're naive if you think ANY company, least of all Valve, doesn't give a shit about money. There are degrees of dedication to quality, and Activision is the low end (and by proxy Treyarch and Sledehammer, ever wonder why Infinity Ward went down the way it did?), but Valve is by no means on the upper end of that spectrum.

All that being said, I loved COD for a long time, I've loved BF for a long time, but the multiple dev company's for the multiple COD franchises could learn a thing or two from DICE. Saying your standard is to have a game run at 60 fps is a cop out. If I want 60fps out of BF3 I can either turn down the settings a bit (which still looks better than COD), or upgrade my rig. I don't think COD looks bad, but don't use some BS 60fps standard as your excuse for not keeping up with the competition. Just be honest and say its not priority. Rant finished.