After the E3 presentation, I wasn't mad or happy, it was exactly what I expected. The GBA and DS had ports of old games to bring up their libraries (although that plan backfired with the 3DS but moving on) and even sold a lot. Bit the Vita isn't even doing that right. Sony is actually bringing in stripped down CURRENT console ports, and RENAMING THEM. Blackops declassified? That AC3 game with the female? The PSP didn't even do this, heck there were more PSP to PS2 games then the other way around. What the VITA needs is, at least to get a foothold, make games exclusively for itself. Then if they do well port them to the PS3, once the foothold is in, they will be able to get more dev supports like the PSP and pump out tons, and I mean tons of third-party exclusives, and have more of First-party balance with PS3 or 4 and the PSVITA.. They basically just crapped on the way PSP did things, and thought this would work. Why not do the same thing again? Another thing the PSP did, when the portable PSN was open Crash Bandicoot was a lunch download, and it brought interest enough that they spammed more PS1 games and PSP games, and even though GO did not make that much money, the PSP GO brought a lot of online revenue saying that it COULD WORK WITH JUST DIGITAL, but not yet. So why not do that again for the VITA store? Then you can have people going downloading PSone and PSP games, and then you will be able to add more and more, and heck, maybe get near the entire libraries of both available, with user and official reviews to look through. Sony seems to be forgetting what's working, but then again, at the same time, I think they don't believe it would work twice. but they have even done this similar strategy with the XPERIA PLAY PHONE and it worked to some extent. heck, without Crash being handed out free with each phone, the phone would have died just weeks after launch because that's where it was headed. It makes no real sense why Sony is stuck like this. it just seems that they have no idea what to do. The VITA is solid, and could have already did much better than the PSP. but taking downgraded current gen games and renaming them, especially if they look similar to the console games, and if they already have tons of sequels and spin-offs, neither will gain people interest enough to bring in a lot of purchases of the handheld. What are they doing?Another48h0urs
After seeing Sony's conference and the lack of focus on the Vita, I was also letdown so far that I cussed at the computer screen. But I think Sony's still finding a foothold with the Vita; the handheld is still in its early years, and despite its awesome system capabilities and specs, I don't think developers actually want to invest in it too much. Sales are mediocre at best, so I think that puts off a lot of developers to make games for the Vita solely, as they can make multiplatform games for more profit. Then again, I'm not sure, but this will probably improve over the months with the release of big games like littleBig Planet, Call of Duty and sometime later, Monster Hunter (which will surely boost sales in Japan alone). Sure, they are ports, but that's a core reason for people to buy the Vita, or at least that's what Sony thinks. It's safer, and cheaper (?), to bring in the same franchise so that people will be more familiar with it, but most importantly, I think Sony is investing a lot on the cross-play feature. Play on the PS3, continue playing with or on the PSV. That's also why you will see tons of ports, like the upcoming Sly Cooper, which features transfarrable save files and such. It's a neat idea, but I agree on the Vita needing more new IPs. It will come sooner or later, so just be patient =p
Oh, and at least PSone games are already announced for the PSVita! That's a small but good step, and hopefully soon enough, PS2 games will also follow suit :D
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