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My birthday is in ten days, 18 years old.

Agh, so finally the day is coming, the day I have been waiting for ever since i was a young immature teenager getting in trouble, and now June 5, the big one eight, an adult. I will be spending that day going out and getting a fat cigar and relaxing. Haha, I don't know what else to do, maybe get a tattoo? Um, no that's a little to far lol, but I'm going to definitely go buy a fat Philly cigar, even though it will taste like crap and make me nauseous. Anything else I should do when I turn 18, any good ideas, lol?

You got to read this!

Okay, so recently Modern Warfare 3 has came out with its first teaser trailers, and I find it weird, it has one taking place in America, England, France, and Germany. Now I don't know about you but does this ring a bell? World War 2, of course, how cool would it be if they based the war off of World War 2, and shazamed it into modern times? Like it would be Germany doing something crazy, then England and France would be on our side, as Germany would be rising into a super power larger than us and our allies. I just think ghat would be crazy awesome, haha, my thoughts are just wondering these days.

What is wrong with Game Spot?

Okay, so I'm guessing all of you have been expierencing this problem of your achievements and or trophies showing the wrong pictures, are they ever going to fix this? It has been such a long time since they have came up with this problem to now, still not fixed, it's been a couple months now. I'm just angry, because I have posted many forums on the issue and I basically got told to shut up by the admins, and or blown off, they never take into consideration on what other think on the site, with issues, etc. They need to start listening to there users.

Not very expected.

So today, I went out and rented Medal of Honor, and you guys should really check out my review on it, or Game Spots. This game is really a fun game, the campaign is very fun, and so fricken realistic, it was jaw dropping. I'm just really glad it made me happy because I'm weary when renting games. This game just absolutely rocks, and now claims a title in my book has one of the best modern first person shooters I have played to date. I'm telling you guys, check out the review on this game, it won't let you down, and is a fun quick play. It gices you the taste hat there are other great shooters out there than just Call of Duty, even though I love that franchise too.

You have put me to sleep Halo Reach.

Okay, so recently I have only been playing Halo Reach, and I just got to Brigidier, and I'm coo long off on the game. I'm just bored of the gameplay, same daily challenges, they never mix it up, and once you get to higher ranking, its rediculas how many credits you need to reach the next rank. It's literally insane, and I just totally have been let down with Bungie on this huge credit system. I will still play Halo 3, and stuff, but I'm just sick of the game. I will be getting Bioshock 2 soon, so I'll play that, and some Black Ops until it comes in the mail. But to Halo Reach, I guess they put the reach in the title because you have to reach out for many days of your life to reach the next rank, sorry Bungie.

Bioshock 2 Limted Edition

Yay, so I found out my Uncle is sending me Bioshock 2 Limited Edition. I know it comes with a whole bunch of stuff, but I don't want to spoil it. I'm so happy, people this is a true game and I mean it. I played the first one like a week back and I'm so hooked on it. The game series is just so creative, anyone should play this game. Read my review on it or watch the Gamespot video review. You should get it, it's only 10$ at Gamestop, and you will be satisfied, I promise. Oh yeah I forgot, yay, I'm getting the Limited Edition, I can't wait. I hope he ships it priority mail, because I am like a dug addict to play the second one, haha, its really that good of a game.

Has anybody played Bioshock?

So, I have like fifteen dollars on a Gamestop card and I'm thinking I'm going to buy the original Bioshock. I watched the review and everything, and it looks really fun. I also saw that the achievements are pretty easy to get, which is always a plus for me, haha. Since it's only ten dollars, I'm probably going to buy it, but I was wondering have any of you played it? If so, could I have some feedback on the game, and any tips? I'm really looking forward to this first person shooter, the visuals look really cool. I'd like some achievement tips to, I'm going to play the game on hard, is this a mistake, thanks guys.

Halo Reach Weekly/Daily Challenges

Okay, so I'm getting really sick of the same stupid challenges. Get 100 kills in firefight, get certain amount of kills with pistol, win 5 games, let's see something big! Sometimes the challenges are so hard, and you get like only a thousand credits, psh, let's see some daily challenges that you can get 5000 credits plus on each, shoot em at me, I'm tired of these wimpy challenges, and of seeing the same ones, for low credits. Don't even get me started on weekly ones, who the he'll can beat a campaign mission with legendary on and all skulls? It's really hard, and not worth it for the credits they give you, step up your game Bungie.

Super Enegy Drink Mixture

So, tonight I'm thinking about staying up late, playing the usual Halo Reach, and I was thinking. What would happen if I mix my favorite Mountain Dew Voltage, with 5 Hour Energy, with some ice to cool it down. It sounds like a good idea, probably will get a nice caffeine buzz, lol. Once I'm done with that I might brew up some late night coffee, it's going to be a good night, I can tell. If anyone tries my concauction let me know how you like it. Or let me know your favorite energy drinks. Mine is Mountain Dew Voltage, and yes it's an energy drink, it has ginseng, just letting you know.


So, all of a sudden I have been really hooked on getting achievements, lol. I have three 100% achievement games, which I'm extremely proud of. Halo Reach, which is the one I'm most proud of. Pesky little achievements. Call of Duty Black Ops, which was one of the hardest campangs I have played. And last but not least, Madden 2008, which were very easy achievements. It took me like five hours or les for that game because you can cheat em, haha. But I'm still on my roll to get the achievements rolling in and the gamerscore going up. I'm also impressed with the new Gamespot achievement feature, even though it takes forever for them to show up.