spoiler alert!
in resistance 1, nathan finds out that he is infected and by destroying the tower (called angels that controlled all chimera infected humans) destroys everything. he finds out that the tower wasnt built but excavated proving that the chimera is a virus from a different planet and dominated earth millions of years ago. humans are used as host.
he destroys angel and is picked up by srpa in the end
but in resistance 2, he finds out that him and deadelus were experimental subjects to chimera virus inhibition (project abraham). but something goes wrong and deadelus is fully converted faster than nathan into chimera host. as he had the original virus, he gained control over all the chimera.
nathan kills deadelus. after nathan and his partner escape, nathan turns into a fully chimeran host. his partner shoots him.
i have no idea where resistance retribution and resistance 3 story line tie in...
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