its easy. follow these simple instructions. 1) before you start the game go to Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\SaveData. 2)You will see a file named "Player.ue3profile" in the folder SaveData. This is a binary file generated by Unreal Tournament 3 which saves your keyboard,mouse,player character,etc. settings. 3) Right click the file and under properties, check the box 'read only'. this will effectively prevent the game from overwriting data.(U will need administrator privileges in vista to do this) 4)keep the folder open, start UT3 and open the campaign mode. U will find 'continue campaign' and 'replay chapter' now. Wait, job still not done 5)Now before you finish playing, u must revert the file attributes to the original state, or else it wont save your current game. To do this, press alt+tab button while you are playing. this will bring up the open folder. uncheck the 'read only' tab now. U MUST DO THIS BEFORE YOU EXIT THE GAME. 6)Exit the game. Next time when you start again, repeat instructions back from 1. You should now be able to resume games. Enjoy!
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