i've been waiting for a long time for borderlands, as hav several of my friends. we all got it the day it came out and didnt stop playing it for well of a week (not constantly lol), wot we found out was that its one of the greatest games of this year but its one short falling was the subject of friends, basicly if you dont hav any or if they arent online then its not as fun and start to get very very lonely. we were all big fans of fallout 3 which didnt hav multiplayer but it was fun for hours on end, but borderland you need to hav atleast a partner. other problems are when youve got friend and your all at different levels, this is fu for the slightly lower level characters who can now get better weapons in your game but you hav to help them out in theirs, -_- ye thats fun doing all the quests youve already do and getting nothing for it. but its has to be one of the best co-op games ever the gameplay is very smooth, the graphics visually are awesome (cellshade FTW!) and the un ending number of weapons is like a dream, so really its greatest strength also presents problems for offliners but there is alway splitscreen ;)
chaos1160 Blog
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