What are you talking about? All the video's I have seen have had perfect lip syncing. Are you sure it wasn't just the video you were watching?8.5 lip syncing is pretty bad
chaosX303's forum posts
Japan - Population: 127,288,416 (July 2008 est.)(Well thats what google say's)I doubt it'll sell that much,but i;ve been wrong before!I'd say 5 million or more within the first month.How many people live in Japan?
Well, that plus all the pissed off people who don't want to wait and import it. That's my answer.
I'd say 1.5mil first day
I'm in Canada too,and most games here are only 60,I've only seen a few games that are 70 here,but there's more popping up all the time.you guys should be happy about your 60, over here in canada we pay 70, and aussie....well they get the raw end of the stick with game prices really bad
So, this has been common knowledge since day one:|.
looks like all games under 20$
Kameo can be purchased brand new for 10 dollars. I bet you money it sells for atleast 15 on this service.
Nah,it'll be more then 15.I'm betting the cheapest will be 20 on this service.I'll be the first to admit I hate DD, but I see it having a future with handhelds. Storage shouldn't really be a problem with the Go, and you should be able to delete whatever you have and download it again for free.It should also give a lot of developer's to do what there doing with the Iphone, and that's test out new idea's for cheap without having much risk involved. My only real problem with the Go is the design. It looks pretty good when its closed,but the positioning looks like it might be a problem if your playing for long. It should have a second analog stick,all PSP's should,but it's not like they can just introduce it on the go with out excluding all the people with older PSP, seeing as every developer would use it for every new game,but then every psp there is usless when it comes to new games. If this was the true successor to the PSP then I'd be more then a little upset but it's like the DS Lite or the DSI. The price is a little steep but Sony's said its basically for early adopter's and I'd say that it'll have a price-cut within 6 months or so,depending on how well it sells.
i love youwolverine4262Took the words outta my mouth.
[QUOTE="IronBass"]Depends. I prefer the Blu-Ray to somethings, but the 360 is better at streaming things from my PC, and I still get use from the HD-DVD, so to me, it would be a toss up between the two, TBH.I think almost everybody will agree that a BR player is better than any secondary feature the 360 has.
Really? I always found the PS3 beater at streaming content from my PC. The only problem I ever found was that some of my video files were a type not supported by the PS3,but I think I had that same problem with the 360.Not to mention RemotePlay,I think the PS3 has the best streaming abilities.
[QUOTE="FF6fan"]How do lemmings explain RROD? There is no point in asking, there is no reason that either Cow or Lemming have for either because they are not freaking Sony/MS worker. How did Sheep explain why the GC didn't have BC? It's not that expensive to just get a PS2. Heck you can get a PS2 with like 5 games for like 40 bucks on ebay. mstc_QThat's an awful comparison. The RROD was an accident; no BC was intentional. The RROD is no accident, I'm sorry it wasnt. It was stupidity, they should have tested the console more then they did.
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