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Sonic Story

Sonic stepped outside of Tails' house and stretched his tired muscles. He and Tails had been working all night on some modifications to the X-Tornado. Sonic found this particularly tiresome due in part to the fact that he knew next to nothing about Tails' machines. Sonic smiled a bit. At least he'd been more help then Knuckles had. Tails asked him to do some heavy lifting, but more often then not, he'd get angry when he couldn’t get a device to do what he wanted, and probably did more damage then help. Tails considered asking Amy for help, but Sonic was quick to talk him out of this idea. They worked late into the night, but inedibedly they all fell asleep finally. Sonic had just woken up and was getting some fresh air. The temperature was warm and a little balmy, but pleasant. He turned to go inside when a chill wind swept past him. It made him cold inside and out. He shivered and his teeth chattered. But then it was over as quickly as it came. He was instantly warm again. "Weird..." Sonic said softly. He stood on the porch for a few minutes longer, then stepped inside to make some breakfast before the others woke up. After a while, the mysterious wind all but left his mind.…………

This part by ZeroSonicT

Meanwhile, in a remote island chain, the waves crash against the broken and battered body of the ultimate life form. Slowly regaining consciousness Shadow opens his eyes to a crystal clear blue sky and intense bright light. Shielding his eyes with his hand he stands up, stumbles but regains his balance before falling. "Where am I?" thought Shadow

This part by Shadowgod713

Back to Tails' house where sonic had just had breakfast the strange chill came again, this time more alert Sonic jumped up and ran outside Tails curiously followed and said "What was that all about" Sonic answered "This morning I felt this weird chill and again just now". Their curiosity overwhelming them they searched for the source of the strange chill. Meanwhile Shadow was exploring the island he had moments ago woke up on, He soon found a small city and went to investigate. Later that day Sonic and Tails had still not found the source of the strange chill after searching the whole city they went back to Tails' house for dinner, In the middle of dinner Sonic and Tails were having a peaceful conversation when someone knocked on the door when Tails answered it he found Knuckles with a injured arm. Back on the island Shadow had found a lady who gave him a dinner and explained where he was she told him that her name was Alice and that he was on a island in the middle of the sea the Islanders had not had contact with the mainland for a few years, Alice offered Shadow a room for the night and he generously accepted. At Tails' house they were patching Knuckles up, Knuckles explained that Dr. Eggman had stole a Chaos Emerald and Knuckles was chasing after him he had been shot by a rocket from Eggman's ship and he soon after came to Tails' house looking for help.

This part by Chaos_book125

"Alice" Shadow asked that night, "I need to get back to the main-land. Isn’t there any way to travel from here?" Alice looked forlornly at the far off horizon. "I wish there was, Shadow. But like I said, we've been cut off for centuries. We've no more way to get to the mainland then we would the moon." Shadow chuckled "I'll tell you a story sometime, Alice. But, haven’t your people tried to make journeys to the mainland? Surely you can't have just sat here these centuries?". Alice looked grimly at Shadow, "Of course we've tried. Many times, But each time, the ships never returned" She looked at the far off horizon again "My husband was on the last ship to set out. I've never heard from him again". "Oh", Shadow said, slightly uncomfortable, "Well... you'll see him again. I promise. Argh! If only I had my Chaos Emerald! Then I could just leave." Alice looked up at him, startled, "Chaos Emerald.... Why deary me, I know I put that somewhere... Now let me see..." Shadow jumped up "You have a Chaos Emerald!? Quick Alice show it to me!" Alice rummaged in a closet a bit then- "Ah-ha!" she exclaimed, "Here it is!" she handed it to Shadow. "This... is definitely a Chaos Emerald", Shadow said wonderingly, "But it... it's like no Emerald I've ever seen! "

This part by ZeroSonicT

Back at Tails’ house Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles were preparing to go searching for Eggman. Tails was getting the X Tornado ready, Sonic was exercising, and knuckles was concentrating. When Tails finished on the X Tornado he shouted out "The scanners have located Eggman at his pyramid base" Sonic shouted "Well lets go then" and knuckles was already out the door Sonic shouted back at Tails "Meet you there" Tails hopped in the X Tornado and said "Not if I get their first". The race was on Knuckles in the lead followed closely by Sonic with Tails right behind him, by the time they arrived at Eggman’s pyramid base it was Sonic then Tails and moments later Knuckles. When they went in they were met by none other than Eggman’s security droids, The trio made short work of the droids, they raced up to the main control room and when they entered they were surprised to see a frustrated and scared looking Eggman researching hard overlooked by a curious looking Shadow, Sonic shouted "Shadow what are you doing here" he replied by telling him about Alice and The mysterious Chaos Emerald, then he looked over at Eggman and said "I didn’t know who else to go to but my old pal Eggman" Eggman snorted and went back to his work, Knuckles then shouted "Oh so that was the Chaos Emerald I was chasing you for, well you didn’t have to shoot me down" Eggman replied swiftly by saying "Well I wouldn’t of if I didn’t think you were going to rip me and my ship apart". The results from the test revealed that this Chaos Emerald had greater powers than the others.

This part by Chaos_book125

To be continued……….