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My Video Game State of the Union Address 2008

Ok well the title may be misleading if you think that I am going to talk about all things video games in 2008. The truth is I am not. The sadder truth is the reason why I am unable to do that. The reason behind the fact that I cannot discuss all of the great games from 2008 is because I have not played them all. Boo, yes I know. I was unable to play any of the PS3 exclusives such as MGS4, LBP, Valkyria Chronicles, or Resistance 2. This is extra saddening because I have wanted a PS3 for some time now, and I work a decent amount of hours each week, but the majority of my money has to go to the bank. Fun times... not. With the money and consoles thing, I also have a dilemma, which I will get to later.

Enough with the negatives.. for now, and on to some positives. With the large, I mean extremely large of great games to come out, I got to play a decent amount of them. Some of the games that I got to log a decent amount of time on were GTAIV, Dead Space, Fable 2, Rock Band 2, and some others. I liked all of them, but I wish I had more time with them than I did.

Time has also been an issue. Minus the fact that I don't have a next gen console (oh wait, I have a Wii...), I don't have time. I have been sick recently and have been able to play some games though. I've just been re-beating some old titles, and just started playing a game that is new for me. This game is the game of the year... from 2005. That game would be Resident Evil 4. Minus a couple games such as the God of War series, I've been trying to get all of the "great" PS2 games that I have not gotten to play yet. A question that may come up is, "why didn't I get RE4 for the Wii?" There are a couple of reasons for that. 1) I enjoy gaming more with regular controllers. 2) I bought it on sale for ten bucks. 3) The Wii is in the living room, and my parents wouldn't want to see gory games that they don't like all of the time. To the game though, I can easily see why it is so decorated with awards. The controls took a little while to get used to (seriously why use only one analog stick?), but the way the camera works adds to the suspense. When push comes to shove, this game is already one of my favorites, and head shooting zombies with a super upgraded shotgun is awesome. I'm looking forward to finishing it and playing RE5 early next year.

I feel that I have been harsh on the Wii, and maybe a little bit too much. I did buy Super Smash Bros. Brawl earlier this year. I did enjoy it a lot too (not getting much playing time lately with that one). I do feel that I need to invest in some more games before ripping on it too much. Overall though, when my PS2 to Wii playing time ratio is probably around 12:1, I think that says something about how much the Wii doesn't do it for me. I hope to actually get spending money and pick up a couple games on my Wii wishlist, which I don't know what that is. I did rent Super Mario Galaxy and Boom Blox, and enjoyed them. I liked Okami on the PS2 and wouldn't mind picking that one up.

Dilemma Time|

For the longest time I've wanted a PS3. For the longest time, the only system I've really played (360 or PS3) is the 360. The reason for that is that most of my friends have a 360. This never really bothered me, but lately I've had this feeling of wanting the 360 a little bit. If I had the means, I would obviously get both. So here is how I break it down. PS3 (MGS4(the number 1 game on my want to play list) LBP, R2, Killzone 2, other exclusives, built in wireless adapter) vs. 360 (Friends having it, Fable 2, Gears 2, other exclusives). Its rough.

Ok, so I feel that that was all about me, so I would like to close out with something not about me. The video game industry has pumped out a huge back to back year combo with amazing games in 2007 & 2008. I hope that you all got to enjoy these games to their fullest, and that 2009 brings some games as well (it should).

SSBB and Boom Blox: The Pros and Cons

So my parents bought a Wii a while back for our late Christmas present, and I'd just been chillin' with Wii Sports. Its fun but its not amazing. So then I figured, why not get the best game out for the system (1 of the 2 tied in the overall rankings)? Besides gas I hadn't spent any of my bday money on anything for myself, and I went out and bought Super Smash Bros. Brawl. While it is a great game, it isn't really a Wii game. It is a Gamecube game made for the Wii. There is nothing to implement the Wii-mote whatsoever. My thoughts on what they could have done was to have the attacks be holding down A or B button and moving the mote in whatever direction. This would make it easier to distinguish moving, jumping, and attacking, while at the same time not just having it be a a Gamecube game on the Wii played with no Wii-mote integration whatsoever. That is my only real complaint (besides the overcensoring of WiiConnect online play; not being able to talk, no leaderboards or any stat anything to make you feel good about yourself). That being established, this game is great. Its fun, addicting, and every friend loves it. Super kind of mini-review rating 9.55 screw .5 intervals. Side note: This is the second highest score I've given a game. I gave Subsistence a 9.6

Another game I've played recently is Boom Blox. I rented it and got to play it a decent amount. I had read mixed reviews, but the ones that gave it really high scores made me really excited. It delivered to my expectations. I was thinking that when I rate this game I'll give it a 9.5 just like SSBB. When the initial reaction wore off it when from awesome to great. Its ridiculously fun, simple, and it uses the mote well. It is kind of childish though, the graphics are very underwhelming, and the build mode isn't as good as I thought it would be (mainly cause I don't feel like putting in tons of time to make something that is already made for me).

Final Score 8.9

Finally got a Wii

So I have been looking around and waiting to get a Wii for a long time. The better part is that my parents wanted one. So I gave up calling our Walmart, the nearest Best Buy, and wherever. I went to go buy There Will be Blood when it came out this Tuesday. Tuesday is the day our Walmart would occasionally get a Wii. That means a Wii about every other week which was sold at midnight Tuesday. So I went after school and I saw four there. I called my parents and told them there was some there and they should pick one up, and I guess they really wanted to. So I've been playing Wii Sports and am planning on getting Brawl within the next couple days.

I'm kind of back...

Well I've taken my leave because of football and whatever, but I'll kind of be back now. I gotta work to support the finishing up of my video game funds. I'll try and post at some of my unions more often though.

My (temporary) divorce from gamespot.

I have been on gamespot for a really long time, and I knew eventually this day would come.  I am leaving gamespot for the most part.  I will still come on occasionally and post at the unions where I am officers at and other stuff, but not as much as I used to.  Just with everything going on lately with my friends and everything it is hard to find time to come on and post regularly.  Sorry to Oddball, Xeno, Sparda, and the other officers at the unions that I am officer at, and thanks for letting me be an officer.  This time was inevitable, and now is the time that I will have to leave.  I will be back here and there though, so I guess that's better than nothing.  I edited it to say temporary, which it is.  Its also my birthday today, so I'm out.

The Wii

As of this past week I have decided that I am going to buy the Wii.  With less than a month until my birthday, I should be able to buy it with that money and some I have now.  I was really set on the PS3 until I finally realized that $600 is a ton of money.  I'll eventually get the PS3, but not until it sheds some of the price.  Back to the Wii now.  I still think the name is kind of weird, but I'll have no problem getting over that.  I am excited to enter a new era of gameplay with the Wii-mote, as I think that gameplay is what matters.  As shown with some of the games so far, the graphics for the Wii can be very good and will only improve.  I'm not sure if I think that the Wii will put an eventual end to the analog controllers or should for that matter, but I think it will help push gaming into a set of revolutionary steps forward (hence the original name: Revolution).  I have been feeling like garbage lately because of a cold, but besides that I am doing awesome (if you care).  My school picture from this year is visible now at the about me part of my profile, so you can see what I look like (it isn't too badly distorted).  I finally finished my Bully review and have been playing that as well as a mixture of my other games lately.

Bowl Season (and Happy New Year)

I know everyone is making a New Year blog, but I'm not going to.  I guess I can quickly reflect and say that last year was good.  I hope that this year is better though, as there is room for improvement.  The Badgers won today though, and I'm really happy about that.  It was a really tough game to watch though, as I could have had about five heart attacks during it though.  The offense did really bad and especially the quarterback position (not naming name).  A win is a win though.  The Packers finished out the season well.  I just don't want Favre to retire as I think that just one more year and we'll have a successful year.  I was going to finish my NCAA Football 07 review, but it was break and I'm to lazy to do anything.  Have a good next year and peace out.


On Friday, which was yesterday, I had a snow day.  In my town we got 13.5 inches of snow in one day.  The funny thing is that a couple of days before that the temperature was about 60 degrees.  That's Wisconsin weather, but I seriously love it.  This is kind of a pointless blog, but its a miniature one and I just wanted to make a couple of reminders. 

  1. Check out my other blog posts (especially last one)
  2. I am actually working on some reviews, so if you are excited for them (highly doubt it), they are coming.
  3. Please go here to pick out what game idea you want to see me work on next.

I also just got some more sweet mail from Sony.  Its a packet on the PS3.  They really didn't need to send it though as they don't need to convince me to buy one.  I just need the money.

Help out The MGM and Game Idea Central

This isn't going to be a long read or anything, but these two unions that I am in are becoming fairly inactive when they shouldn't be.  Also if you want to go and post at any other of the unions that I am in you are more than welcome to, and I have to mention The Reviewers Legion just because there are some great things going on there and I have been part of that union for a very long time.  I just mainly made this to help out the two unions that I mentioned.  Stay tuned for some upcoming reviews (finally) and blog posts soon.  Later until then.

Philet Mignon (game idea(almost complete))

Here is my mainly finished idea:

Here is my pretty complete/ finished in time for competition idea.  After reading through all of these posts, I remember that I forgot to talk about the music. Comments are accepted like usual.

Phil Phillips is your ordinary restaurant owner, with a disturbing background and a twisting future.  Take control of his future as you seek revenge, power, and domination of culinary wars. 

Town (not real place/ undecided/ city equivalent to size of Milwaukee)

The Flashbacks will be cell-shaded/ comic style graphics to give a different tone from the actual gameplay.

(Flashback one/ Phil about ten years old)  It is night, and you are sleeping until you hear a loud noise.  The noise is your house is being broken into, but you don’t know this yet.  Your parents are still up and watching T.V.  You hear screams and sneak downstairs and go to the kitchen to where you hear the noise.  A robber shoots your mom, but your dad gets in a struggle with the robber.  The knife on the counter from where your mom put it away sends a glare of light into your eyes. (transitions from cut-scene to gameplay).  Main objective (player doesn’t really know this, but it is the first introductory to the gameplay): Go pick up the knife and stab the robber without him noticing you, which isn’t too hard since he is in a struggle with your dad.  Do it quickly before he gets time to regroup and kill your dad (which then you would have to start over).

(Flashback two)  The police come after your dad takes care of the robber and they take the robber away and talk to your father (whatever else cops would do, I don’t know).  You are shocked and saddened, and you must go to counseling to deal with all of the recent events that have happened.  

 (Flashback three/ Phil in twenties)  About one of the only good things that has happened; your dad wins a lottery.  He wins a half million dollars which allows him to retire at the age of 58.  He hands over the family restaurant named Philet Mignon (you are technically Phil III) to you.  This is a good thing because the restaurant is well known and generates decent money. 


This is the conclusion of the flashbacks, seeing as I do not want to give away everything that is happening, plus that would take a very long time.  Here is a summary on what the plot will be.

 Plot Summary:

The flashbacks introduce you to everything, so it isn’t necessary to do that again.  After this you will learn of some recent gang activity that is happening at almost all of the local restaurants, and fear that this may happen to your restaurant.  Well a gang accidentally stumbles upon Philet Mignon to be its quarters.  The reason that this is accidental is because the other gangs were actually started by the restaurant owners.  You are unaware of all of this, but then you get sucked into the fight known as the “Culinary Wars”.  This angers you because you don’t want to deal with it, and also that people become suspicious and business slowly declines.  You then do various missions, control gang activity at your restaurant, and also try to manage business.  Lucky for you, you have great knife skills and you are in great physical shape from training at your friend’s dojo.  After finishing all of the missions and whatnot you go to a large chef convention that has all of the latest cooking supplies, and also is where all of the big name chefs and their gangs go.  This year though is when there is going to be the big brawl between all of the gangs, and this will be the final thing that decides the fate of Philet Mignon.

Controls (Playstation):

First off it will be in the third person perspective

Move: Right analog stick

Aim/ Pan Camera: Left analog stick

D-Pad: Control your inventory

Triangle: Grab item

Circle: Roll   

Square: Basic Punch/hit with weapon

X: Jump

L1: Duck or get under a table when near one

R1: Shoot/ throw weapon

L2: Combo/intensifier 1 (will get into)

R2: Combo/ intensifier 2

L3: Stalk/ you can also control character speed by how you are pushing the left analog stick

R3: Block for melee attacks

Select: Bring up map

During the game there will be 25 main missions, varying from taking out the butcher and taking his meat to getting money for the trip to the convention.  After every mission you will get a point that you can add on to some of your abilities.  One will be gun accuracy, which doesn’t need you to click L2 or R2 for.  Two of them will be for the L2 button.  One will be strength, which adds to the power to the Square attack.  The other L2 will be an intelligence enhancer, which mainly allows you to be able to do certain attacks.  One example of this would be if you were running toward an object such as a pan you could hold L2 and click square, which will then make your character grab the pan on the run and hit an enemy.  Another no-button ability upgrade would be a stealth upgrade, which stealth plays some importance to the game.  The system for stealth isn’t complex, but if you are seen or heard you reveal that you are there.  Another ability is for knife throwing. Holding R2 will make the screen go slow motion, which then gives you the ability to pin point where you are going to throw your knives by moving the right analog aim to certain areas.  This can allow you to throw several knives and pin your enemy to a wall.  The last ability upgrades are more non-combo button ones, which are stamina and health meter.  You will have a gauge for these on your screen.  There are 7 different ability enhancers and only 25 missions, so you can plan out the way you distribute these however you like.  There will be little easter-eggs and stuff like that, so there will be a couple more that can be found throughout the game.

Another couple of different gameplay elements are your Chef-Brutality ranking and your means of transportation.  If you just do your missions and that is just about it you won’t really be regarded as brutal and you won’t really intimidate people at all.  If you kill more people than you have to and anything that could be classified as excessively brutal you will be known as brutal and scare people.  You have to balance this out though since if you go around and kill everyone the cops will have more leads on random acts of violence.  The cops don’t really know much about the “Culinary Wars”, and you want to keep it that way.  In many games there are multiple vehicles that you choose from, but not this one.  Your way of transportation is your bike, and no it isn’t a motorcycle.  If you want to get around faster, you get to ride your everyday mountain bike.  You can shoot and throw knives while riding your bike, but you are also more exposed. 

Your kitchen is your main hub, the place where you can stay, save, organize your weapons, and control your wardrobe.  Money plays some factor because you can manage your income from restaurant profit, steal money, take money from dead people, buy some clothing items that can help with certain missions, and upgrade your weapons (cooking utensils).  You can also save from various checkpoints spread throughout the map.  

Back to the thing I said about your friend’s dojo.  You can go here during the game, but it is just a place to practice your attacks.


Although you are able to equip yourselves with a couple of guns, they are just your nine-millimeter and AK 47 types guns.  There will probably only be these two guns.  You can buy ammo or pick it up from dead peoples’ guns, but ammo is more scarce and more of a non-factor than in most games.  Your main arsenal is you cooking utensils.  This includes knives, pans, forks, pizza cutters, hand blenders, and most anything you can find in your kitchen.  They will be lying around and not boxed up or anything that really distinguishes them from their surroundings.  They will have a yellow highlighter color border around them and a press triangle to pick them up on the bottom when you are near them.  There will also be things such as pans with boiling water in them that you can use.  The possibilities are numerous, and you can do many things just like you can with the upgrading system.

Other Modes

Mini-games:  One game will be a knife throwing competition, and another game will be just a beat-em-up mode where you and friends can just brawl with what you are given

Online mode: The only way I can describe this would be saying it would be like the online mode of MGS 3: Subsistence.

If you couldn’t tell, this game will mix violence with humor.  Besides the beginning cut-scenes, this game doesn’t have too dark of a tone.  It is a crazy sounding idea, but the game will play out this over the top idea to make it a hopefully entertaining experience.

To read more development of thoughts and ideas before and after I posted this click here .

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