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My Video Game State of the Union Address 2008

Ok well the title may be misleading if you think that I am going to talk about all things video games in 2008. The truth is I am not. The sadder truth is the reason why I am unable to do that. The reason behind the fact that I cannot discuss all of the great games from 2008 is because I have not played them all. Boo, yes I know. I was unable to play any of the PS3 exclusives such as MGS4, LBP, Valkyria Chronicles, or Resistance 2. This is extra saddening because I have wanted a PS3 for some time now, and I work a decent amount of hours each week, but the majority of my money has to go to the bank. Fun times... not. With the money and consoles thing, I also have a dilemma, which I will get to later.

Enough with the negatives.. for now, and on to some positives. With the large, I mean extremely large of great games to come out, I got to play a decent amount of them. Some of the games that I got to log a decent amount of time on were GTAIV, Dead Space, Fable 2, Rock Band 2, and some others. I liked all of them, but I wish I had more time with them than I did.

Time has also been an issue. Minus the fact that I don't have a next gen console (oh wait, I have a Wii...), I don't have time. I have been sick recently and have been able to play some games though. I've just been re-beating some old titles, and just started playing a game that is new for me. This game is the game of the year... from 2005. That game would be Resident Evil 4. Minus a couple games such as the God of War series, I've been trying to get all of the "great" PS2 games that I have not gotten to play yet. A question that may come up is, "why didn't I get RE4 for the Wii?" There are a couple of reasons for that. 1) I enjoy gaming more with regular controllers. 2) I bought it on sale for ten bucks. 3) The Wii is in the living room, and my parents wouldn't want to see gory games that they don't like all of the time. To the game though, I can easily see why it is so decorated with awards. The controls took a little while to get used to (seriously why use only one analog stick?), but the way the camera works adds to the suspense. When push comes to shove, this game is already one of my favorites, and head shooting zombies with a super upgraded shotgun is awesome. I'm looking forward to finishing it and playing RE5 early next year.

I feel that I have been harsh on the Wii, and maybe a little bit too much. I did buy Super Smash Bros. Brawl earlier this year. I did enjoy it a lot too (not getting much playing time lately with that one). I do feel that I need to invest in some more games before ripping on it too much. Overall though, when my PS2 to Wii playing time ratio is probably around 12:1, I think that says something about how much the Wii doesn't do it for me. I hope to actually get spending money and pick up a couple games on my Wii wishlist, which I don't know what that is. I did rent Super Mario Galaxy and Boom Blox, and enjoyed them. I liked Okami on the PS2 and wouldn't mind picking that one up.

Dilemma Time|

For the longest time I've wanted a PS3. For the longest time, the only system I've really played (360 or PS3) is the 360. The reason for that is that most of my friends have a 360. This never really bothered me, but lately I've had this feeling of wanting the 360 a little bit. If I had the means, I would obviously get both. So here is how I break it down. PS3 (MGS4(the number 1 game on my want to play list) LBP, R2, Killzone 2, other exclusives, built in wireless adapter) vs. 360 (Friends having it, Fable 2, Gears 2, other exclusives). Its rough.

Ok, so I feel that that was all about me, so I would like to close out with something not about me. The video game industry has pumped out a huge back to back year combo with amazing games in 2007 & 2008. I hope that you all got to enjoy these games to their fullest, and that 2009 brings some games as well (it should).