I think gamespot and this forum overall is biased with anything other than a PS3.Sony only raised the price because the blu-ray player is expensive.I'd love to see the day where people complain about wii or 360, because there's alot to complain about!
I think gamespot and this forum overall is biased with anything other than a PS3.Sony only raised the price because the blu-ray player is expensive.I'd love to see the day where people complain about wii or 360, because there's alot to complain about!
I think gamespot and this forum overall is biased with anything other than a PS3.Sony only raised the price because the blu-ray player is expensive.I'd love to see the day where people complain about wii or 360, because there's alot to complain about!
Why do u care ther just bits of metal and plastic.get a life you sick,twisted little boy or girl.They are all fun,they all have unique things about them I have had a PS2 for six years it has gave me years of fun and enjoyment(something that a wii or xbox could also do)But I am getting a PS3 coz im used to sony and if i had another 2000$ beleive me i would DEFINETELY get a wii and xbox!
charley_mcd's comments