Sorta being a movie maniac this week. Two nights ago I watched Pathology and thought it was brilliant and last night I watched Disturbia, That was really good and kept me on the edge every minute. Tonight I just bought a movie naturally. Its just becoming a thing over the boring summer and the bad weather! Well anyway I got "Awake" something about this guy who wakes up when having an operation even though he has been dose with plenty of anasthetic.
Lately I've been making Heroes banners and pictures for something to do, Heres some of them;
Twlights been great, still reading away. Nothing great has happened yet because im only on page 90 or something, but overall pretty good. I really like the way its written and the mystery behind Edward&Bella.
Here are some movie that I'm looking forward from 08-09
01.Scary Movie 5
02. Twilight
03. Eagle Eye
04. Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince
05. Max Payne
06. Knowing
Have A Good Week