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I take my imagination as fact. I cannot argue with it, even if I do it wins.

Hey everyone!

Whats up?

I'm finally done with my two week pre-exams, and am soooo happy and annoyed. Happy because they're over and no more studying for another month or so and some time to be less-stressed, even though they're not hugely stressful. And the reason why I'm angry is because, well I'm not hugely happy with my results. Annoyed because I only got a B in my English, and the reason was because I didnt give the last question a stab. If I did, I would've gotten an A! That just pains me knowing that, but then again its JUST the MOCKS, not the real thing, but still a pain in the ... So got a B too in Religion, which is pretty wonderful since I didnt open a book, honest truth. No one does, it's Religion. Most people just look over stuff the night before to pass and they do because its pretty easy. I failed Maths. That wasn't a huge shock but I was convinced I passed. I'm in the top Maths ****(and dont know how lol) I'm not great at Maths, never have been but I didnt think I'd fail. I blame the teacher, as well as me. She's just dreadful. And my grade for Science was a D, and I blame the teacher because she's my Math teacher too. I'm hoping I'll do better with more effort with the time to study for June, unlike what I had to study the MOCKS (three weeks).

I got a D also in Metalwork, and that wasnt a huge surprise either because it's a weak subject of mine. But with my practical in the real exam and more study, I can easily bring that up to a B, and that's no joke. The exam is easy enough if you try. Still waiting for more results.

I'm praying that I got an A in History since I thought I did well, and since I really have a passion for that subject, but then again I thought I did well in most and look how they turned out.

I probably failed Irish because its the hardest language to learn ever (AND IM IRISH? Doesnt make sense lol) and maybe passed French? Not sure. But my effort wasn't really put in since it was the MOCKS. Hopefully, the extra time to study and realise the whole thing will give better results. Friday, when the MOCKS were over, we all headed out to the town to celebrate. With some alcohol of course. We were trying to find a hidden place sorta to hide from passers by and whatever and found this really dark kind of like half-ish building site behind a houseing estate. It did though haha, the night was fun. I cant remember much but it was fun. I loved my mam for it though because she hadnt got any problem with me drinking which was such a relief and stuff. She never does have a problem with that kinda stuff because I'm trusted, neither does my dad, so it makes the nights like that much easier, instead of feeling guilty for deceiving your parents.

Saturday, I was arranged to babysit for my two little second-cousins. My cousins kids. They're basically my cousins. The night was fine, sat in, while they were in bed and I watched this Sarah something or other: Living dead. I think. Something about this medium woman who gives people messages. I love that sort of stuff, well at least watching and trying to understand it all. I'm no sceptic but no firm believer in mediums anyway either. But I do believe there's life after death, just not sure if some can see the dead or not. But it makes you think! My cousin left me money for takeaway and I used the advantage for pizza and nachos. Had a fun night in with myself, it's good to get away from my people-full house and spend aa night alone with no interruptions looking for the computer or the TV. I dont like being alone alot but it's good every once in a while, especially to get away from my village. The little one woke up during the night but thankfully he stopped crying and didnt wake the other. I got him back to bed and fell asleep myself in record time! CLAP! I'd honestly go there every Saturday and mind them for free. I love the little guys and having some space too!

So everyone knows I'm kinda a day-dreamer, novel creater, lets just say half my brain is stuck in this imaginary world half the time. Especially in cla$$ On Tuesday I was being bored to death by my business teacher and so, I just floated into that half of my brain that thinks, fictionaly. I find myself doing it alot. Creating characeters, and plot lines and things like that. Usually I always sum up fiction but I was thinking this time, no creatures (monstrous ones anyway), no magic, just real life with more danger and action. And I looked down to the table, where names were scribbled, "Damo woz ere 2007" People tend to do that in my school. Does everyone do that in other schools lol? Anyway I was thinking about a boy sitting bored in cla$$ where no one sits, at the back of cla$$in one of those tables thats cramped against the corner and he writes down his name with pencil on the table. A cla$$later he comes back to find someone has replied. And then he thinks about it and writes back and then this conversation is struck up over a period of time, and then this boy gets freaked out with how strange the sentences become. "I know you". "You dont know me" "I float around." So it's basically to do with a boy being stalked by a person he doesnt know, cant find. He only knows that they have girl writing. This person becomes infatuated with him and overtime, there's murders, friends of the boys and he really begins to wonder, why him and what this stalker wants. I've never really made up a world like that, one with criminology and psycho people with real problems and am hoping to learn about it, and research a lot so as I can enjoy writing about this story. I'm dead set that I will write in first person and there'll be a line strictly syaing "NO DEMONS, GHOSTS, WITCHES, VAMPIRES, WEREWOLVES, Shane" So I'm really interested to research some criminal crap, stalkers, psycho people's intent and stuff like that, when I have some time. Now, I know it sounds cheesy but it sorta sounds fitting to be and the way it's supposed to be, and things that are the way they are supposed to be to me, mean they are what they are. The world is what it is, and the people are what they are. I take my imagination as fact. I cannot argue with it, even if I do it wins lol, nothing can be changed, so to speak really. So, I am sure that this novel/story/ will be called ... The Pencil Stick Stalker.Why? Because, there's a stalker that stalks mostly through pencils writing messages to the boy, and he also kills with them, having a fascination with them (hitting on the psychologically ill part) And I got so excited, (like I do, please dont blame me and think weird of me lol) but I created a cover for it. I like creating the covers, I dont know why. Maybe it's my artistic side coming through back from years ago lol, or because I like to get an image of what it is. And I enjoy making em too!

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Over the past couple months, I've been wondering about artists from a while back that have disappeared. I questioned where Whitney was, and SHE CAME BACK. I wondered where Eminem was, and HE CAME BACK. I wondered where MJ was before he made announced a comeback, AND HE WAS ABOUT TO COME BACK. R.I.P, though. And recently I wondered where Avril Lavinge was and now I find that she has a single on the Alice in Wonderland Soundtrack!?! I think I'm psychically in tune with celebs comebacks. I hear SpiceGirls comeback for the second time in my head right now. Dont say I NEVER WARNED YOU! lol :P

So I really wanted to see Alice in Wonderland this Saturday but no one wants to go cinema, I know, cruel they are. Shopping instead, the joys :P. Saturday should be a good day anyway, with something to do, even if it IS shopping. I have lots more to tell but so little time! Uhm, I'll be back next time though when my eye lids are not burning with the need of sleep lol. Might do my favourite movies of all time. Haven't done one of those kind of blogs in a while! ...


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And... Image and video hosting by TinyPic Everyone gets cake on their birthday, but you're not everyone! Have fruit animals, instead ;) Happy Birthday :D Hope everyone has a good week, Catch yah later, Shane