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Let everyone know next time. No hidden secrets.

Hello TV watchers, bloggers, reviewers and F.R.I.E.N.D.S (see what I did there?:P) How are you all? Hope life's treating everyone well! My weekend was pretty fantastical :)

On Saturday, just walking through the park when I see some people I know shouting "come down! come down!" I look up and there's this little red dot in a tree. This ten year old kid thought it would be a good idea to climb this tree, which is crazily high. He wouldn't come down, and then a branch broke and eveyrone got more scared AND THEN HIS SHOE FELL TO THE GROUND and everyone got more scared. He finally came down but with a lot of hasle. Could've killed himself! Kids these days ... lol. He went right to the top but I was too shocked to take a picture then so I took one when he was coming down! Image and video hosting  by TinyPic
































So on Sunday, I was all sad because I had to say goodbye to a friend, leaving for America for the Easter break, which was sad because I've known her for seven years and not a day goes by without us being together or talking, really. So I said goodbye and was wisped onto a bus to town, off to see YouMeAtSix playing :) The band was playing round nine but doors opened for seven for support bands.Me, Roisin and Ben went in and were crazily excited :). Me, Roisin and some guy I met there, Conor went for a whizz, looking on the streets of Dublin for a toilet, each pub rejecting us.


SHANE: Can we use your bathroom please.

B!TCH EMPLOYEE: For customers only.

CONOR: What's your cheapest thing?



SHANE: That's a bit pricey, it's a fecking recession!


After our very relieving toilet break in a dingy alleway, we got to the line, after finding out doors were opening a half-hour earlier, running through cobblestoned streets, saying hi to a man dressed in a Barney costume and skipping up a couple spaces. All in all the night was great but the venue was PACKED! I couldn't breathe, I actually valued air after being with so many people, tightly packed! I know this sounds ridiculously fangirl of me but Josh (lead singer) smiled at me. TWICE. I was in the very centre and he was in the centre of the stage, looking right at me :D. Such an awesome dude! Only got two pictures of the night, though ...

I love this one because someone has a little love sign up and it looks pretty cool. 

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and this one, I love even more because Josh holds an Irish flag!

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anticipation kills us as we wait to leave for the gig ... (I love this because Haley's in the back:P)

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Everyone knows I love Haley Williams (Paramore lead singer!) She posted a vid to Twitter the other day and I was like "you're the best. I love her!" Check it out:

So I dunno if you guys know this yet, but no doubt you will, Stephenie Meyer has decided to do another book. Returning to the Twilight world...

Stephenie officially announced the news on her website. The book is going to be about Bree Tanner and her experiences with the newborns during Eclipse. It is technically an Eclipse novella, but it is still big news. And even better news... one dollar from each book sold in the US will be donated to relief efforts in Haiti and Chile and other places that need help. If you don't want to buy it, you can download it for free from June 7th to July 5th at The book is set to be released on June 5th, 2010.

Stephenie talks about the novella, "Actually, this has been a surprise to me, too. The reason why it's a surprise was that I never intended to publish this story as a stand-alone book. I began this story a long time ago—before Twilight was even released. Back then I was just editing Eclipse, and in the thick of my vampire world. I was thinking a lot about the newborns, imagining their side of the story, and one thing led to another. I started writing from Bree's perspective about those final days, and what it was like to be a newborn."

Pretty cool that she is releasing something from the Twilight world, although I've lost faith in it, I may still read it. I would've perfered if she was working harder on getting a The Host sequel completed but beggers cant be choosers! I don't get it with her, is she trying to milk this Twilight-ness or truly an author who admires her fans so much, that she'd release this? I dont get her and have had iffy perceptions about her since. It's great that she's donating a dollar to charity but when you think about it JK worked on Tales of Beedle The Bard WITHOUT commison or royalties at all, and Meyer is right near there in the cash comparison with JK. Twilight fans are bound to be pleased however way it is! Here's the cover if you haven't seen it. I think it's cool actually..


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And speaking of books and such, I came up with a long-awaited back cover for deceased and am really happy with the outcome. Tell me what you think, please, a little too haughty and cliche in reading it? A bit too blue, I think so but I was so sick of editing and editing, I just finished and put away with it.The title of this blog refers to the seventh point, somehing that the protagonist, Nick, needs to learn. He's weirdly secretive, not a liar, just secretive. I never came across someone like that, to keep secrets and am certiainly not one to keep them, so I chose it as a characteristic for this very ... different and unique character ;)

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The writing is a bit all over the place but fixable for a rainy day!

And I also did a, not cover, but a background or a scene from the book with pictures I mashed together. I've completely decided to change the title back to the original and plain, "deceased", it's simplicity and strenght show the book for what it's worth in one word. I decided a half-hour after creating this so have to change it back! So happy the way this just blended it and actually looks professional and realistic unlike some of my work.  

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I think that's all I got for today :0

What's driving me insane is that it's Spring Break and IT'S SNOWING! 

Go away snow! 

I shall now read some more, write some more, eat some more, and tweet some more. Seems like a routine thing nowadays with this weather.

Have a week that will be different and more amazing that the one last,
