Since its 34 days to Heroes Season Three, I've decided to count down to it!
There are 34 episodes of Heroes and there are 34 days :) I think :? So Im going to review each episode every day and stuff and what I though about the episode!
Volume One; Genesis: In His Own Image
Normal people are discovering that they have an ability, some are not quite sure if they do and some are. Peter Petrelli is on a high rooftop waiting to leap off it and see if he can fly, he jumps and then hears a womans voice. He awakes to her. He was dreaming. The woman Simone wonders how long her father has of life. Peter gives the man two more days, as he is the mans nurse. We then cross to Bombay, India where Mohinder Suresh conclcudes his lecture on the huiman genome project. He explains to a friends that the project has discovered tiny mutations in the human species genetic code, changes which are taking place very quickly. Soon Mohinder is told by a friend that his father has just died. Suresh believes his fathers death wasn't an accident, he believes he was murdered because of his theories on human evolution. Suresh makes it to New York city, where his father was killed. He arrives at his fathers appartment to hear a mans voice in the other room. Suresh grabs all the things he needs and runs before being disovered.
In Las Vegas Nikki Sanders is working. She is an internet stripper working to pay her debt. Nikki leaves the stripping after and unsaftisfied cutomer and throws a rob on and checks on her son, Micah. When she does check on him she sees two men at the front door, not looking very pleasant. Nikki quickly takes Micah's hand and they both run out the back door before being detected. In Texas a sixteen year old Claire Bennet gets her friend to video-tape her free falling from an 80 foot height. When she falls off the height, her friend rushes over. Claire has broken bones which are popped out of their socekts and cuts all over her body. Claire simply pops them back into place and they heal. This was her sixth attempt at seeing what her body could withstand. .
Nathan Petrelli, Peters brother is a politician in the middle of a campaign. Peter boths his rother telling him he has dreams of hium flying. Nathan has none of it as he fears his brothers delusions will lose him thew election. The boys are interrupted by a call telling them that there mom has been caught shop lifting. They are both taken aback at this. Hiro Nakamura is in his work cubicle. He is staring at a clocks hand concentrating ever so hard. He squinches his face and his cheeks begin to wobble. The second hand stops, ticks backwards, and continues on its circular way. Hiro gets up and shouts down the workplace, and runs to his friend to tell him what he has just done. He knows he has succefuly manipulated time and soon he will manipulate space too.
Back in Las Vegas, Micahs principle tells Nikki that Micah cant be in the school no longer as they have not paid the amount due. With Micah out of school, tuition past due and loan sharks coming after them, it would seem that Nikki has run out of options and that there is no one looking after her in this dangerous time. We're back in NY and Mrs. Petrelli thinks its no big deal that she was shoplifting. Still Nathan is furious at her for stealling a pair of socks while his father left his mother a fortune.Nathan takes off and Peter is left behind to see whats going on inside his mother head. Angela tells Peter she just wanted to feel alive again.
In Odessa a fire has outragged at a cotton mill. With the camera running Claire runs inside and rescues a man trapped inside. Even though fire heats through her clothes she is left with no burns or cuts and remains unharmed. Firemen come to detect her injuries but Claire runs from the scene. Nathan offers Peter a job at campaigning but instead of responding Peter brings up the conversation they had earlier about flight. Nathan again doesnt want to hear about it and tells Peter he needs to grow up. Later Peter climbs into a taxi with Suresh as the driver, wondering about the soalr ecipse which will blanket the earth in darkness. After Peter gets out a man gets in The man reads Suresh's license and begins to talk about the retired proffessor from India. Thinking that this man might have something to do with his father death, Suresh leaves the taxi running away.
After dropping Micah off at his grandmothers, Nikki returns home to see her apartment turned upside down. Worse the two men who were at her door earlier throw her down and deman 50 thousand dollars. One makes a deal and tells her to strip down and the debt will lower. Nikki begins to unrobe and then stops. The goon smacks her on the face then everything goes black. Simone arrives at her boyfriend, Isaac's apartment to discover him destroying canvases he doesnt remember painting. He admitts he was high on heroin at the time but even that cant explain how these paintings have accurately predicted events that had yet to happen at the time of their creation. Isaac decides to go cold turkey. He kicks Simone out and hand cuffs himself to a pipe and throws the key away from him.
In Tokyo, Hiro remains convinced that the power of his mind enables him to bend time and space, and the coming of an eclipse only fuels this obsession. His disbelieving friend challenges him to materialize in the women's bathroom of a local bar. Though Hiro mysteriously accomplishes this seemingly impossible feat, his friend still doesn't believe him. Returning home from the fire Claire asks her mother who her real parents are. Before she answers Claires father returns home. She greets him with a hug. This man is the same man who was in Suresh's taxi. The Man With The Horn-Rimmed Glasses.
Niki awakes to a pool of blood. Blinking her eyes back to full consciousness, she finds that the two goons have been brutally slain. There seems to be no explanation for this, until her reflection in a mirror motions for her to be quiet about what just transpired. There would be nothing out of the ordinary about this, except for the fact that Niki was standing completely still while her reflection moved on its own. On the Tokyo subway, a poster of New York sets Hiro to dreaming, but it's no dream when he closes his eyes, opens them again, and finds himself in the middle of Times Square.
Simone collects a vial of morphine from her father's house and takes Peter with her to Isaac's loft. When they arrive, they find that Isaac has sawed off his handcuffs in order to free himself from the cuffs and get a fix. While Simone dials an ambulance, Peter notices a painting of himself flying, but there's something more shocking to come: Isaac reveals a painting of New York City consumed by fire. High on a New York office building, Peter Petrelli spreads his arms, wind fluttering his jacket, preparing to fly. With a final breath and a prayer, he makes the leap. The ground rushes up to meet him, but before he hits the pavement, his brother Nathan suddenly appears and takes flight, grabbing Peter and holding onto him in midair!
To Be Continued...
This pilot was probably the best pilot I've ever seen. I loved the way the cast are so big but the writers found time for all of them and told their story bit by bit to reveal something great at the end. Nikkis story was the first story that appealed to me. Her "power" or "story" are less known than the other Heroes. I liked the way the episode was told like a book too. At the end of each chapter or episode there is a cliff-hanger that leave you wanting to read or see the next chapter/ episode. 10/10