It's painfully true. The end is nearly here. And although we hate to admitt it-- WE'RE FREAKING OUT.
Supernatural has got two more episodes left until the final showdown between the Winchesters and Lucifer. We're shocked, horrified and admittedly afraid to where this all goes. Where the Winchester will end up, and how. The apocalypse is upon Sam and Dean and the world, and now the end is REALLY coming. We all know it. Is anyone scared? Scared of how they're going to end this season. The show, as we all know, has an arc of five seasons from the begining, but now the writers feel the show has done so well for itself, that it deserves another, but how on earth/heaven/hell will that all boil down? Will we get the apocalypse that has been so enigmatically stated throughout this year, or will it flop? For now we can only suffer, but not in silence! I believe a short reminder of the season is in order.
- There's been so much the boys have been through this season, evidently shown. We've had their destines challenged, their brothership questioned and it's all because of that fateful night where Sam was dropped demon-blood. The mythology of it all came together, weaving this story to be more massive than we imagined.
- From the start, from before Dean and Sam knew they were THEM, one brother was destined to be the vessel of Lucifer, the other the vessel of Micheal. Two angels, brothers--exactly like the two on earth, one with a bad connection to his father, the other faithful and caring. It all fits perfectly, and we truly test their relationship as brothers and as humans. Their motives and morals are challenged, whether or not they'll "say yes," and accept their destiny, in the mean time resolving the world from it's end or creating bad-blood between them.
- Since the year started, they've ducked and hidden from angels, lost under Lucifer's radar. Dean has visited the future, saw what the end has come to if Sam chose to say yes to Lucifer.
- Dean finally got his wish, Paris Hilton, but not what he really wished.
- They've met the anti-christ and his undomitable power.
- They've dealt with an Irish fella, resulting in a Benjamin Button Dean.
- They've met the Trixster on their travels, visiting TV land and finding out that the Trixster was never what we all thought he was.
- The two have been subject to their own Supernatural convention and have an idea what all the fan-girls would think of them.
- Dean found love, loosing her to the battle against Lucifer and his Hellhounds. Precious people have been lost in what they've been fighting for, but they'll never be forgotten.
- Sam revisted his teenage years and the annoyance of a NORMAL family, realising Star Wars virgins.
- The brothers have visited the past, and we once again get a look at John and Mary Winchester.
- Dean believes cupid makes everyone "go coocoo for coco-pops," when meeting him and the second Horseman of the Apocalypse.
- The boys have discovered the grief of Bobby over his dead-but-returned wife and just how painful it is for him to fight each and everyday in his wheelchair.
- Sam and Dean are sent to Heaven, and we get a first glimpse at a promising place that no one saw coming.
- The boys meet Ash once again, and we're all excited when the mullet returns!
- Dean has been to the limit, his emotions corrupt, his body unable and his strength weakening as the pressure to say "yes" continues, and he questions his motives.
- Zachariah is killed in the most amazing way by the most amazing hunter, Dean Winchester.
- The boys have seen other sides to the apocalypse story, other Gods wanting different things than the man above.
- And finally they understand how they need it to end, they figured it out with the help of Archangel Gabriel, that Lucifer can be put back in the pit of hell and locked in his cage with the help of four special rings. They boys have two and two to go, and their journey and determination of finding Death and Pesitlence is go, while their foreheads amount with sweat and pressure, battling against time to save the world from it's final end, but Crowley knows the location of Death and is only happy to reveal, once Bobby gives up his soul.
- The brothers have been left with the hardest task yet again, loosing one of their own.
The Winchesters bromance getting rocky, and only on the premier!
Sam gets attacked by Gandi
Paris Hilton makes an appearance, while we get excited and gag irritatingly, at the same time.
The Trickster isn't quite the Trickster anymore.
Castiel opens a can of WOOPA$$!
Once more before everything falls apart.
A scene, I'll for sure, never forget!
If I could cry, I would. Because this picture just summarises the first volume.
Now, dont get me wrong, there're so many more little shots to pop in but so little time. I might get around to a full analyses when the season ends :(
So the season will end, any thoughts on how it will?
I'm afraid, are you afraid? I'm afraid *babbles nervously, mumbling*
Hope you gained from the little reminder, I needed to for myself. And to get all the pent up SPN rage inside of me.
How will we live for a long long long time in it's absence?
Have a supernatural week,