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"Nah, Miami's too hot fot all that leather."

Hey guys!

School started on Friday and went really quick, only a half day but I was strangely hoping for a full day, why? Well I got all my old teachers who are bascially so young their students back, and I think I might do pretty good. We got a new area to hang around it and the school times changed. Instead of leaving at 4.00PM, it's now 3.50PM -- How wonderful :P! 10 minutes early :P It's better than nothing, I suppose. I'm getting my locker on Monday and all that. I'm all happy to be back with friends and stuff but what are the bets, I'll be complaing next week lol! English teacher already set me an essay. I argued for ages of the title: MY LIFE AS A SUPHERO. I was like "miss wtf?" Superheroes! We're in third year and they want us to write about superheroes. Blahh...! I did it anyway haha, a Heroes rip-off, lets just hope she doesnt watch Heroes :L:L:L

Lately, I've got this issue. What's up with every disney channel actor beginning a music career? It's really annyoing me! You've Vannessa, Selena, Miley, Demi. The majority of them can't even sing but every time I hop onto youtube there ALWAYS there! Grrr hating on disney!

I desperately need a new phone, so I'm trying to save up since I'm broke :P . . . What do you think of this?

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I want it now but I haven't just got 100€ yet :P

So I've been TV Show searching and found some new shows that might be interesting enough to watch over the next couple of months. These were the couple I came across and might consider watching:Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I'm guessing this is sorta 90210 $tyle kinda stuff but I think I'm gonna give it a go just for something dramatically easy but entertaining at the same time to watch.Ad Katie Cassidy is in it too :P! Hot :D. And the ginger there appears to be Ashley Simpson, god what happened to her? She looks like she's just faded into nothing!

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I've never read the books but since the success and likeability I had with True Blood, I'm definetly giving this a go but hope its adapted well. Once I don't see vampires that sparkle, I think I'll be more than happy lol! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I'm really looking forward (pun not intended) to this show. Theres something about time travel that continues to elude me! Since this is from the people who came up with Lost or whatever, I think its in safe hands and may just have a big audience when it airs. I never got into Lost but am hoping to get into Flash Forward.

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I'm not sure about this show. I might watch the pilot but if it's too model and stuff-ish I probably wont continue to watch. It's stupid for me to even consider watching lol because it IS a show about models but there may be something in it that interests me. Hot girls is the first thing.

They were just the new shows that I'll be watching. I'm continuing with Heroes and Supernatural and Dexter- woah Dexter :D Watching the second season atm and wondering if its better or just OK in comparison to the first season- not sure yet, but one thing is for sure, the one about the comic guy dying was funny. That's were the title of this blog comes from. Dexter is just so.... quirky :P

Heres something that I'm making outta my mind since I forgot what I was originally blogging about lol:

What are you wearing now: My usual sloth cloth :D Tracksuit bottoms and white jumper. Don't you just love anything thats your sloth cloth :P

Music listening to these days: Pitbull, The Script and Black Eyed Peas

Last show you watched: Dexter of course.

What are you reading at the moment: The Medici Seal

Whats your one wish right now?: For Supernatural season five to be on right now. And uh ... ehem world peace of course, yeah that too *cough*

What you do today?: Went out for a while and wrote a dumb essay on superheroes.

Last text was from?: Ben of course... :L

Going anywhere tomorrow?: Out somewhere. Hopefully Ben'll buy Supernatural season four :D *hint*

Last meal you had: Chicken burger and a milkshake :D. Unhealthy, yes, but my brother bought me it and brought it back just in time for Dexter :D. What an awesome bro :D

Latest obsession: Dexter. Give it a week and it'll change to something new. I'm forever changing obsessions.

Current mood: Not bothered.

What was the last thing you actually watched on the TV: X-Factor :D Thee best. Danyl to win already!

Whats sitting in front of you now? Computer, speakers, modem, coke can, glass, school journal, King packet, paper, pen, PSP, phone, stapples. Specific, I know :D

What's your birthday: 9th of November 1994 :D

Who are your closest friends you meet everyday?: Ben, Fergal, Kimmy, Joanne, Steven, Glenn.

Who are your closest friends on Ivy, Jon, Amanda, Emiko, Esther, Daria.

That was one big bunch of fun pointlessness :P! Right now I gotta go and edit some more of my book. I'm half way through which is good but alot more to go. When I'm bored of it or frustrated I make covers with GIMP, this is what I created today.. VERY depressing and emo-like haha!

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Have a good week people :D,
