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She's gonna haunt your heart and break your bones.

Hello :)

It's been a while, but I haven't decided to completely resign from just yet! 

I unexpectedly got an easter-egg. I dont really ask for em but I dunno why my mam buys em for me either, this was from an EXPENSIVE type of chocolatires too!

The past week has been a bore-kinda. Nothing much has happened for the easter break.On Easter Sunday, I went to my cousins house, met the family and had chats and stuff, the usual. Didn't drink too much, so I was good :). My uncle gave me a laptop for free that he had lying around, he said it was for writing! It's by no means an amazing piece of technology but has XP and Word which is what I need :) But there's no internet on it, which is a bummer but writing on it is handy! My cousin came to mine that night on the way home, and we spent two days together until he was collected. We didnt do much but watch Entourage and had a laugh! 

On Tuesday, me and Roisin and Ben and Joanne watched The Butterfly Effect! It's such a good movie, I've seen it before but I love Ashton and the movie was all the while pretty amazing, the night was fun  too. We tend to get together and watch movies late for fun :) In the end we watch it but miss most of it due to talking and the common phrase, "what's he in?" you know when you point to the tv and wonder where you've seen the actor before!? Yeah, I'm guilty of THAT.

Wednesday, me and Ben went shopping and to see a movie. We went to Clash of the Titans in 3D -- and the 3D was what I was looking forward to but the movie wasn't great, nothing to remember anyway. The greek mythology was spot on and fun to know (since I like that kinda stuff) but the 3D was dreadful. You could sit without the glasses, and perfectly watch the movie. I heard it was CONVERTED to 3D and not filmed, maybe that made the difference? So we did that and I went to eason, grabbed three books, one of which is VERY like Supernatural and the other two, research, for my book. Trying to understand immortality and stuff, get different views and points on it. At the moment, there aren't great YA books out! It's Ben's bday on Sunday so I quickly grabbed a movie in HMV that he wanted THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. Yeah, get scared lol. And then got a Muse poster for myself that I love and fits perfectly with the rest of my posters :) Someday, I'll post pictures of my poster-encrusted walls :P.

Tonight I spent the night in Roisins, she got a new laptop and was all happy! "It's PINK!" she screamed lol. I think we're all getting up early tomorrow, meeting in the park and heading to Kimmys house to say HELLO after her easter spent faraway in the wonderful place of Florida! God she was lucky. She brought me back 5lbs of Twizzlers (which I love!) Cant wait to see her, missed her so much. She's one of those people that are contagious, and you just have to be around. We had a bad patch in our relationship a while back. We'd been friends for six or seven years and stopped abruptly but a year later we were back, and it has been a miracle! Dunno what I'd do without her!


Yeah it was getting longer by the minute and it needed a chop, not too much off now, a little less over my eyes and it doesnt have to be straightened now because it's less thick. Yeah, I do straighten my hair but I'm no girl, lol, it's popular for guys to do it, ok! :L

Still addicted to Twitter and have found some friends over there :) It's so amazing because you can get in touch with famous people ! :O (well, authors are famous people to me lol) I did some fan-fic pictures of some books, got in touch with the authors and they LOVED them. Soon, they were emailing me for bigger sizes so as they could print em out and put them on their wall :O I was shocked, my picture making was really being admired (other than Clare :P).

These are the links to some I made;

Sorry, being lazy and linking! 

I dunno how I'm going to get back into regular school times because I've been getting to bed at 4+5am and up at 2+3am ! Hopefully going to bed late tonight, and getting up early in the morning will deserve sleep for me the next day and will get to bed earlier!

Supernatural last week, THEY WENT TO HEAVEN! Ok, I was expecting something different. Not the cliche of clouds and gates and whiteness but something, I dunno, not what they gave us. But I did like their heaven, the wya each individual had their own world. LIKE DISNEYLAND. So good to see Ash again :) 

Vampire Diaries was another good watch. Never thought I'd end up loving this series, and I dont think I have but I keep wanting to watch more and more and more! I'm dying to see where it can go!

Dexter I have finished season three, finally and liked it. Again, the show has put me down. LOVED season one, hated season two, liked-ish season three and now onto season four and not loving it. I think it's one of those shows where the first season will ALWAYS out-better the rest on pure originality and character basis. Hopefully season four will get better!

Not watching much tv obviously since nothing really on but I think I'm loosing my way with tv, there's just nothing amazing on anymore. Nothing that would spark huge interest to watch, really.

Tonight, had a final fight with a "friend". We once went out, things went bad after the break up and things are STILL bad and got alot worse. She, I'll refer to her as that, she is incessant, neverending and just plain annoying. She got me into trouble, tried to get me beat up by a kinda friend, for saying something (which I didnt, pure lies out of her mouth) about him. He believes me when I say I said nothing and also believes me thats she's dilusional and stuff so I didn't get my ass kicked by any means which was good, because that woulda been effort and hurt! So yeah, she denied saying anything and now want to "talk" honestly want nothing to do with her and wont even come out now on Saturdays, so I'm loosing a day without my REAL friends because of her. I sent her mail, explaining what I meant and hopefully i'll say, "back off, I dont want to see your face again." I'm sure that kind of talk out of me would surprise people. I'm not a mean person, I know that. In such a small town where eveyrone knows and loves each other, it's hard to be. But what I have, or had, for this girl is only hate. I hate that I have hate for someone, but it's acceptable in these circumstances.


Sorry, I'm in an bad mood, intent on world war three with all that's going on.

I'll try be optomistic for the next time. 

The title is from a song from Kids in Glass Houses, I dunno I'm just listening to it at the momen but kinda contributes to the above paragraph. Because in the end, she's haunting me and breaking every happy mood I can grab. 

Hope you all have a good week and are doing well,
