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cheese7monkey Blog

February here's and what do we have to look forward to?

As a nintendo fan, or at least someone who has bought each nintendo console since the N64, I obviously have a lot look to look forward to, right?

For example, in March alone, Madworld and Sonic and the Black Knight are both being released (I pride myself in being somewhat of a sonic fan). And House of The Dead: Overkill has just been released to generally very good scores, with 7.5 so far on metacritic, here, and then in June, we're finally being graced with an original first person shooter which takes advantage of the wii's graphics finally.

So for a supposedly hardcore gamer who invested in a Wii, it would seem all my dreams are coming true. Well not exactly.

You see, a lot of people have complained about the lack of hardcore games on the Wii, and a lot of people immediately retort with House of the Dead and Madworld.

A lot of people have complained "wii has awful graphics", and a lot people reference the Conduit.

So basically, it would seem as if the Wii is getting everything it needs to satisfy gamers this year. Well what about last year? Or the year before? It shouldn't take 2 years for quality titles to come out.

Of course, this is an exageration, last year we did get No More Heroes, Disaster Day of Crisis (a criminally underrated game) and Brawl (which wasn't really even that great).

Anyway, back on topic, in the coming year there are three titles to look forward to, and a fourth if Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2 comes out on Wii.

But there are just 3, 3 which you have to cite as the good games coming out, and for most people 2.

Whereas on the PS3 and xBox 360, you have so many titles coming out that the must buy titles per year are very different to each person.

We still have yet to see a solid 3rd person shooter on Wii and only have one hack 'n slasher(NMH) with no more confirmed until its sequel next year. That makes two.

Now, I've slightly lost where I was going with this, I suppose I'm just angry that people are content that 3 and possibly 4 good titles are coming out this year for Wii whereas on other consoles you have like 8 or 9 per year.

Like countless others in my situation, I'm seriously considering buying a 360, enough is enough. But I'll wait a while longer first.

the undersold triforce

well happy new year (why do i even say that, no-one even reads these except for me so i'm basically saying happy new year to myself, meh)

so how will i start this year? with a rant about the "great" undersold triforce of last year's wii games which of course are No more heroes, okami and zack and wiki

I'll be honest, i only have no more heroes and it's awesome, so i agree it deserved better sales

but people also think the other games should have sold well

well to them i say "shut up"

Let us start with okami, "oh why hasn't it sold well, it's so good, with a great plot and 60+ hours of gameplay" yes, that's great and all but...

it's a ps2 port

a lame ps2 port. seriously. the developer released it on ps2 and it sold balls so they thought "let's ship it over to wii!" and that's what they've done with absolutely no improvement whatsoever

so same lame ps2 graphics (sure they're colourful but lack of effort is lack of effort), no new features

the only difference is that you can use the wii-mote

oh goodie!

it's exactly the same as the play on wii range, except those aren't charged at frakin' FULL PRICE!

and zack and wiki? that genuinely sounds good, but it's a puzzle game - i can get one free off the internet for FREE, and puzzle games have no replayability at all, so why would i waste £20 on a game which will last me a week which i could a close equivalent off the internet for nothing, eh? It just don't make no sense

I suppose i could choose compassion over monetary greed, but if you have to ask why i don't, then you don't have a clue

bottom line, why the hell would i want to support wack and ziki, i don't buy puzzle games - maybe if in it you got to be a real pirate with swash buckling and the like but no, no it does not as far as i know (and ifit does then why hasn't anyone told me?)

gah, NMH is the only real undersold gem, and to be fair, it is just a mindless hack 'n slasher

and you can turn your back but it won't go away

and you don't look scared but you should be afraid

and you can shut your mouth but you still have a say

and you just don't care for tomorrow today

hipocritical nintendo fans

grr, i'm so angry with freakin' hippocritical nintendo fans

so often they get upset about 3rd party wii games whic are ps2 ports because they have ps2 graphics and the wii can do so much better - so far i agree

but then when a graphically good 3rd party multiplatform game comes out on wii it's slated - for graphics!!!

take the new need for speed, the wii version has really good visuals with good models, good lighting and really good reflections on the cars and in the road

there are almost no framerate or pop-up issues and it generally looks fun to play (all based on quite a few youtube videos of the wii version), however i read a magazine

it's called official nintendo magazine, in their review for this game, they gave it about 35% and the ENTIRE review was spent slating the game's graphics with them exaggerating pop-up and making it sound unplayable

they're a bunch of biassed idiots over there, meanwhile guess what other wii game is released to critical success?

freakin' Animal crossing

not just any animal crossing though, this one STILL has the same visuals that the N64 game had! yet no-one cares! then take final fantasy echoes of time - DS visuals!!! again no-one complains

scarface though, yes a ps2 port but with next-gen lighting, critisized for graphics along the lines of "this proves that wii controls make an alright game better, though only if you can get past the lazy ps2 graphics"

well you know what, sonic unleashed on wii has ps2 graphics, and it looks better than most wii-exclusive games

jeeze, they're all a bunch of hippocrites

why nintendo, why must you do it?!!!!


sometime i HATE nintendo for the way they marketed the wii as a gimmicky family console and abandoned all the non-casual gamers who supported them in the dark gamecube days.

The wii's only even alive because of publishers like sega with madworld and the conduit

and miyamoto, MIYAMOTO! why the f*** does every s*** idea that comes out his head get turned into a game


my faith is now in satbk

after unwiished is missing all that stuff from the hd versions (though i still reckon it will have awesome replay value like SA2:B) i now place all my hope in sonic and the black knight

I am really tired of 360/ps3 owners on the sonic unleashed WII board

You here that! WII board! Grr, these people give bad names to those who own 360s/ps3s, why the f*** can't they just stop bashing the wii, if they so desire to be on that board, then at least construct good criticisms or talk about other things as if they were all the same game - wait a second, they are the f***ing same game! one just has better graphics (and it's not like the wii version even has bad graphics) and slightly altered levels in the day (which no-one can comment on unless they've played the game!).