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cheeseman777 Blog

CS : Another change of heart

This is the third time this has happened. After getting really into CS again, I have lost interest leaving me with nothing to do but play Zelda which is unfortunate as im still waiting for the new T.V i ordered to arrive not to mention Componenet cables to come back into stock at J.B hi-fi. Im left over this holidays doing homework *gasp* and possibly achieving something, which is unfortunate. Good to know that my new T.V will be here in 5-7 days and I can get into Zelda with uber graphics (atm on my 34cm screen the game looks meager at best, but is still fun strangely enough...)

Zelda:TP = One of the Greatest games eva!!!

Zelda:TP is possibly one of the greatest games ever created. Even though I usually gravitate towards FPS this has really sucked me in, much like OoT and even though i am only halfway through I am totally hooked. It manages to create an excellent mood through its use of music and lighting showing an excellent contrast between the two worlds and the mini-games are both challenging yet simple at the same time giving a feeling of satisfaction whenever you figure them out. One thing i love about Zelda compared to other Action/Platformers of today is how the Boss fights arent just simple "Hack and Slash" but are actually semi-complex puzzles requiring you to use skills and items that have been learnt recently. Another excellent addition to the game is the wolf transformation which gives a new edge to problem solving however i thought the "sense" feature could have been used a bit more for problem solving, but apart from that this game is a masterpiece with the wii-mote giving the game a new edge. This game is perfection in disc format.