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my top ten games

obviously because im only 14 years old i havent experienced the greatness of most legendary games like super mario bros or ocarina of time, but here is my list(put yours in if you have one as well). this should help everyone see what sort of games i have played over the years. my scores are in there too:

10. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) - 9.5 = a fantastic game and of the best adventures of all time.

9. Resident Evil 4 (Wii) - 9.6 = a scary and atmospheric experience, made even better with Wii controls.

8. Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox) - 9.7 = possibly the best sci-fi shooter game there is.

7. Soul Calibur 2 (GC) - 9.7 = this game kept me entertained for hours and still stands as my favourite fighting game.

6. Donkey Kong: Country (GBA) - 9.8 = this was my first ever Nintendo game. i just couldn't leave it out of the list.

5. Pokemon Diamond (DS) -9.8 = an incredible new game with the best nintendo Wi-fi features available.

4. Silent Bomber (PS1) - 9.9 = one of my first ever games, and still one of my favourites.

3. Pokemon Emerald (GBA) - 10.0 = easily the best handheld game ever.

2. Black (Xbox) -10.0 = the best first person shooter game game in existence.

1. Pokemon XD:Gale of Darkness (GC) - 10.0 = 3 words, BEST. GAME. EVER.

well i hope you liked my list, let me know what you think:)