I used to be able to speak 2, but now I think I'd struggle with my French. I haven't used it in over a decade, really, since I was in French Immersion. If someone spoke it to me slowly, I could understand, but in speaking it back to them, I'd be taking a while in my own head thinking, "What's the word for what I want to get across, again?"
cheesyjon's forum posts
Sometimes I think about my time here (not that often I guess, it's been over 10 years since I last posted, but today was a day I did and started scrolling through old posts/messages), and I think of the friends I had here and how time grows people apart. And digging into some of the old posts, I can feel myself missing them. It's interesting how dead it is here now. I remember the 2010 golden days. But it's interesting seeing some familiar names (though unfamiliar avatars) still posting in OT.
I very much miss the older days of OT still and all the people that used to be here. I sometimes wonder how things would be if say the site redesign never happened and some of the older staff were still around.
The site redesign was a big deal, then? I see that a few posts up it says it was something that happened over 10 years ago. I remember some changes to the site (back in 2010-2012ish when I was here), but I don't know if it's the site redesign that's talked about. Obviously, now adays, the site looks a lot different than it did. For me, it was just... life went on, y'know, and with that and others here that I talked to a lot also moving on, it seemed like I didn't have as much keeping me here.
It was a huge deal actually, a lot of the friends I spent time with on here (I'm 2ndWonder btw if you didn't know or know me)
wanted to go offsite due to the dislike and didn't post here much anymore, eventually just vanishing entirely. But yeah I know as time goes we all have things we do in life that takes our free time. Like even I'm pretty busy on most days now, I run a gamestore/shop. But not only did the site change design wise, we lost a lot of the staff members too. So we took hit in basically everything that made this site what it was, outside of say chatting here on the forums. Some people from back then still pop in every now and then. But yeah the site isn't the same as it used to be.
Oh yeah, I definitely remember the name 2ndWonder. :) And ah, I see yeah. Yeah, even looking not to far earlier in this roll call, it's talk about missing the old days, and missing the old users. Mention of how fastesttruck got banned I guess. I remember those days when having a high post count was a somewhat big deal, and I would try to build mine up by going to all my unions and on OT threads here and I built mine up actually quite fast for the amount of time I was on, and I looked up to him because his post count was so high (though from what I read, I guess that had to do with his departure). It's interesting what we used to value.
That's sweet that you run a gamestore. Would that be the kind of store where there's a table set up for people to play together?
Sometimes I think about my time here (not that often I guess, it's been over 10 years since I last posted, but today was a day I did and started scrolling through old posts/messages), and I think of the friends I had here and how time grows people apart. And digging into some of the old posts, I can feel myself missing them. It's interesting how dead it is here now. I remember the 2010 golden days. But it's interesting seeing some familiar names (though unfamiliar avatars) still posting in OT.
I very much miss the older days of OT still and all the people that used to be here. I sometimes wonder how things would be if say the site redesign never happened and some of the older staff were still around.
The site redesign was a big deal, then? I see that a few posts up it says it was something that happened over 10 years ago. I remember some changes to the site (back in 2010-2012ish when I was here), but I don't know if it's the site redesign that's talked about. Obviously, now adays, the site looks a lot different than it did. For me, it was just... life went on, y'know, and with that and others here that I talked to a lot also moving on, it seemed like I didn't have as much keeping me here.
Sometimes I think about my time here (not that often I guess, it's been over 10 years since I last posted, but today was a day I did and started scrolling through old posts/messages), and I think of the friends I had here and how time grows people apart. And digging into some of the old posts, I can feel myself missing them. It's interesting how dead it is here now. I remember the 2010 golden days. But it's interesting seeing some familiar names (though unfamiliar avatars) still posting in OT.
What is the best invention of all time? The most popular answer seems to be the internet, and while I see the ogic in it because it's so advanced, my consideration of best all-time would be more on a level of importance... stuff like this:
Whatever the first man made fire starter was
Voice Recorder (whatever could first capture and record sounds)
Sundial (or whatever the first manmade clock was)
... though, not sure that I can place an order on that. Camera, Mirror, Laser an Voice Recorder which I think is the more interesting things, which aren't quite as important. Man made fire starter, so not sticks or rocks, I'd say may be the greatest. Paper, Currency, time teller, the Wheel... But I must be missing something.
So what's your take on the best invention ever?
I used to have pet birds, parrots sure can squawk loudly. :PToph_Girl250This pic is a cockatiel i think it's spelt... i have one, but I never met my avy... found this avy on the internet :P
Sup, Salutations. Didja eat any cheese today? :PToph_Girl250No, but I ate alot... like usual :P
Cheesy Jon? :o Hey good to see ya man. Long time no see. :cool:Toph_Girl250Hey :)
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