Meh I could care less. Nintendo is out to make money which is their main goal. People buy Mario games they will continue to make them. Hell I got addicted to the fan game Super Mario Brothers X
PC will always be a step ahead no matter what tech they cram into a console. Until they allow consumers to upgrade the hardware of a console, PC will always be better
I think for fans that are fans of teams not in their market what matters is if you can watch the games. Currently you can only do that at home via Direct TV, PS3 or if you stream on directly, thats what matters to most fans. If there is no Xbox NFL sunday ticket I dont see this taking off. Hell even Verizon got it half right with NFL Red Zone
Maybe, maybe not but the days of games being "Nintendo Hard" are a thing of the past. Once in awhile you'll see a game that has it but it's not common.
chevydriver1123's comments