I recently made a what makes a movie post, and now I'm wondering, what makes a game? After reading something that reminded me about past video games, I just sat and thought, thought about where all of them went. Now with the system wars and massive competition, games seem to be flying out at random just to try and boost the system. But my opinion, my gut feeling says no matter how good the graphics, no matter how good that HD is, you cannot, will not, and most likely never will impress me in games with anything more than a great story. For me, a game is nothing without a proper story supporting everything else. Everyone seems to be to rapped up in more blood or better graphics or drowning the game in tons of DLC. I'm not saying games should be void of these factors, I'm simply saying they should not sacrifice the storyline for such trivial things. It doesn't even have to be complex, in fact it can be to complex, sometimes simple is the way to go. Although for my career in life, I want to be the storyboard person, my facination with writing and my highly intelligent brain, I wish to make a story that makes a reaction out of somebody. For example, MGS4 and Infamous, both got me highly involved to the point of getting choked up. Choked up, not crying, I don't cry. And I want to see that in one of my future games. Books, movies, games, I'm always picky for a very good one that I see rarely and yet there are some breakthroughs that I look back on. And the reason I see them as legends was the story. I also prove that by liking the old games. I would throw away some of the high def blu ray ps3 games just to get a chance to replay some good ol classics, back when story was thought about. But I'm being a critic, I'm not saying nobody has good story anymore, there are still some out there that have good ones.
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