Are you implying that there are actually people who would buy more consoles than they could potentially use only because they are more sympathetic towards one party?
It was more of a rhetorical question. There is nothing to say against a reasonable discussion about the pros and cons. Personally, if I had the money, I'd get every console and a gamer PC, because there are so many good games everywhere.
Sometimes it's probably just a matter of preference. Hope my PS4 won't disappoint me.
That depends on which specific uncle is held hostage. The alcoholic uncle, who couldn't care less about me or the nice uncle that lives a bit too far away to be close to me?
Honestly, I can't really understand why people fight about that in the first place. They have to come from a very dark place, where one console war destroyed a clique of friends or a clan.
I couldn't decide for a long time, but I ordered a Playstation 4 a few days ago, I actually don't know exactly why, maybe because I really don't care that much and there was a sale.
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