Im playing Resistance Fall of Man, and i have to say its an awesome game. Theres just something i dont like about the menu's, it just doesnt look all greusome and brutal enough for me. I'd prefer a main menu that looks like the cover of the box. The game is lots of fun but there is just one thing about the game that i dont like but i cant find it. It has something to do with the way they die. The guns are cool and futuristic and the grenades are unique. You dont really use the tilt control that much only to ward of enemies that are on you ripping you apart. To me there is a small feeling of Prey in this game, with the futuristic guns and some parts where your in a spaceship like thing. Also the way youll just be bombarded with all types of guys and have to run to each corner for more ammo. I like how you can change weapons by freezing the game (R2), and selecting a weapon. The online play is just as fun. Theres all the classic types like capture the flag but there is also free-for-all where you brutally put into action with 26 other players trying to kill as many as possible. I highly recommend picking this game up if you have a Playstation 3.
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