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February 3, 2005

Well my car got hit Monday night. Needless to say I was pissed off. The thing that bothered me the most wasn't the fact that I got hit, but the fact that the person that hit me didn't leave a note on my car with any info, much less an apology. I think I've more or less cooled off after a few days. My friends and family keep telling me to look at it as a blessing. I could have been in the car at the time and gotten seriously injured. Thankfully that wasn't the case. The su-cky part is that I have to get it fixed since I can't even open up my driver's side door. But I'm going to have to come out of pocket this time because I already had an accident within the past 12 months and the insurance company might cancel me if I have to put in another claim so soon. Nuts to me I guess. I had rented Resident Evil 4 to take my mind off of the whole thing. So far it's doing a pretty good job of keeping me in good spirits. I'm sure I'll buy it eventually but only after Champions: Return to Arms has been completed. In the mean time, I'll be without a car for a few days so when Resident Evil goes back, Champions will be there to ease the pain. Gotta try and stay positive...