Nice read. The original was a good game if you could set aside the impossibe hype. I'm most excited and curious about the deepend morality/personality system, though. Most RPG's I've played that consider that, such as Fable, KOTOR 1 & 2, and Jade Empire, only really have Good, Evil, and shades inbetween - a bit one-dimensional, you know? Sort of as dull and boring as Republican or Democrat, Left handed or Right handed, Coke or Pepsi.
Here. Take this quiz. When you get to your results, notice that there's more than "either/or."
The idea that your character can have these other personality traits that are meaningful in the game? Its adding another axis, another way to plot things out in how you're perceived. There's an X and Y to chart out with (top put it simply). As someone who's played pen-and-paper RPG's, this is pretty much something I'm used to. This is also something that console role-players might *not* be used to.
I'm hoping that Lionhead knocks this out of the park, so that other developers can be inspired by it. I loved the original Fable, and this sounds like its building off that good (albeit scaled back) foundation. What's the defining quote for me out of this story? The one that sells me on Fable II more than anything else?
"But in conceptual terms what you will face in some of Fable II's most crucial moments is a stark truth: goodness isn't rewarded."
As someone who tends to play very good characters, this sounds very interesting even if it will make my character's life harder. But, in the end, I think that will make my play through of Fable II that much more rewarding...