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Assassin's Creed - 9.0 Editor's Choice!

PS3 review here. 360 review here.

Hopefully Sony is being more active in securing future exclusives as Kutaragi really dropped the ball; Assassin's Creed was supposed to be a timed PS3 exclusive. Microsoft, on the otherhand was actively seeking out deals for themselves. Or as one person in the article put it, "I do have to give Microsoft a lot of credit for going after titles and doing whatever they can to generate third-party support. They've been magnificent in this generation."

Lesson learned: Never stop being hungry. Kutaragi's actions, to me, speak of someone too overconfident in themselves, underestimating his competition. Being in first place too long will do that (especially the easy ride Sony had with the PS2); maybe that's why nobody seems to stay dominant on the home console market for more than two generations...