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[Blu-Ray] Thank you Fox. Thank you for nothing.

BD+ was added to Blu-Ray at Fox's insistance.

And now its causing problems for some people.

If you own a Samsung BD-P1200 or LG's first-generation dual-format BH100 player, Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer and The Day After Tomorrow have issues with your player. If you have a PS3, just update your firmware. If you have a Sony S1 and various Panasonic models, might load slow. Samsung's BD-1000 may well skip uncontrollable for both movies.

So, Fox, thank you for the wonderful BD+. Its causing problems and kept both Intel and Microsoft out of the Blu-Ray camp. I don't know what Sony thought you were going to do for them, but I can guarantee they didn't expect you to make them look bad. To anyone with these these players, sorry, but that's the trick with being an early adopter.

The RIAA and recording companies are slowly catching on to the fact that consumers like non-DRM media, and that it causes less problems (for consumers and companies). Hopefully the movie industry will learn from their lessons and mistakes - nobody wants to see movies recalled again due to DRM related incompatabilities. Nobody wants to own a movie that won't play like it should. And we should never have to hear about it again.

DRM hurts normal consumers far more than it will ever hurt piracy. If anything, I'd say it might even make piracy more attractive - if the legit stuff becomes problematic because of DRM, I'd go looking for stuff without the offending DRM attached too.