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[COH/V] Psyte's Benchmarking Arc v0.1.

Noting the lack of any sort of performance benchmarking using City of Heroes, I began to wonder if there was any sort of benchmarking aids out there. Most tech sites have their choice games along with specific content they run through so they can have repeatable, predictable results. Nothing like that existed for COH to the best of my knowledge.I went looking on the official boards to see if there was anything. Nope! I then searched the mission architect. Not there either.
So I created arc#385083:Psyte's Benchmarking Arc v0.1.

You will receive no tickets or XP for doing this arc.

All missions will be on the same map: the burning Arachnos base.

#1 - no enemies. This will provide a baseline.
#2 - 8 patrols of Longbow.
#3 - 4 patrols of Longbow, 4 patrols of a custom enemy.
#4 - 8 patrols of a custom enemy.

The custom enemy is very special-effects heavy. It has Hurricane, Steaming Mist, a loud aura, the magic bolero (cape-like elements plus see-through in parts), and a shiney helmet.

I recommend turning your difficulty up so the game spawns mobs for an 8-player team.

For reference, I'm getting used to playing at 1920x1200 @ Recommended settings. Usually I'm 45+ FPS, many times staying closer to 60fps. The very last test can get me under 10 fps.

Hopefully folks will find this to be a useful tool and point of comparison when making upgrades and such! :)