Now, we're getting ready for New Years, and of course, New Year's resolutions. Usually these are well intentioned, but have no plan behind them. Gyms sell year-long memberships, lots of gimmicks are hawked off onto folks, etc., around now. In an effort not to waste my own time, money and precious sanity, I'm setting my goals for the year, but with more concrete definitions and plans on how to get there.
Get my finances in the best shape of their life.
- Stick with the program. Discipline! Refresh myself, encourage myself, and stay focused on the long term.
- Get a second job or find side-jobs as I can. This will advance me towards my goals faster.
- Help others do the same.
- Re-evaluate what I'm doing once a month when I'm making the next month's budget.
- Keep using OpenOffice Calc (spreadsheet program) to track my progress, keep my eyes on goals, etc.
How: Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University program. Already started on it (since September), working towards Baby Step #1. Should be done with that by March at the latest. After that? Its headlong into Baby Step #2 then #3.
Also: Going to look for a second, part-time, job or side jobs that I can do to get where I'm going faster.
Get my body in the best shape of my life.
- Get my diet back under control again. Since programs seem to work for me as they provide steps, goals, expectations, etc., I think its time to find my old copy of ChangeOne and get back on that. When I was living out their program I did well. I got off it and over the years went from 180lbs to a high of 220lbs. I'm around 208lbs right now, and need to get back down. I think getting down 180lbs by December 2010 (2.5lbs/month) is doable.
- Sleep more, which means an earlier bed-time. 10 p.m. on weeknights. I hate sleeping "early" but it seems I need to do it!
- Exercise! Like it or not. I've got a kettlebell picked out, know what to do, and will get back on that. If the sleep goes well, then I can try exercising before work in the mornings, otherwise its back to the lunch-time "work out while my food is cooking" bit. I'm going back to kettlebelling - when I was using my old one (since given to a friend) I lost inches off my waist with no weight change (ie, muscle was being gained). Plus we've got a treadmill at home that needs using, so...
How: ChangeOne by Reader's Digest for diet, and a 26lb kettlebellfor weighted exercise. I'm shooting more for a way-of-life change here than simply losing weight; with heart disease, diabetes and more in the family history I need to be more focused on this. Especially at my age.
Get my brain in the best shape of its life.
- Keep the gaming to the weekends and use the time during the week for reading, brain-working activities, socializing, etc.
- Try to read a book a month. Got a library card; need to use it!
- Do at least one "project" a month. I like photography, writing, and a bunch of other things, and all of that could use a little more attention too.
- Take at least one educational course a year. Maybe not at Maui Community College, but there's VITEC (continuing education), plus things around the island for different hobbies, topics, etc. And online, too (, University of Pheonix, etc).
Present myself better than I ever have before.
- Finally go through all my clothes and get rid of stuff. Stuff that's old, unflattering, whatever. I can wear 38"-waist pants again, so is there any real reason for me to keep my 44" ones still? There are plenty of places I can donate to, anyhow.
- Get new stuff (seems logical) in a planned out fashion. I likely will have to think about things I normally don't bother with; colors, situational appropriateness, combinations, etc.
- Get new, nicer shoes and take care of them. No more sneakers or slippers for work.
- New glasses.
- Remember that I need to look my best, not for some superficial, shallow set of reasons, but so I don't sell myself short. I am worth the time, the effort and the money. I also represent other people and groups I'm affiliated with.
How: Donate my old clothes, set some money aside, and grab a few women I know with good taste on such things.