As part of my Contract With Myself, I included "get my body in the best shape of my life." Now, both diet and exercise are listed as means to accomplish that, so that's both good (makes it easier than just doing one way) and hard (got to mind two separate things). As of yet I've not ordered a new kettlebell as I don't have the budgeted money to do so, but I will next paycheck. Getting it before then would go against the financial goals I have for myself. Making the best of the situation I'm doing some other things in the meantime:
I just had my first session of EA Sports Active since I first tried it months ago. I burned 135.6 calories and finished the whole thing. No small feat considering when I originally tried it kicked my butt and had me out of breath, wheezing, and skipping menus.
Here and there at work I've been doing pushups. While I'm not attempting one-armed push-ups Pavel Tsatsouline **** I am following aone-hundred pushups in 6-weeks program found online. By the way; Pavel's book, "The Naked Warrior," did wonders in terms of educating me on using my body smarter than before. I definitely owe the guy.
One great perk, and one I didn't really know about concerning exercise and type-2 diabetes is that it really does work hand-in-hand with my goals. At first I thought exercise was all about weight loss, and that's reasonable. But:
The Plate Approach will take you a long way toward slimming your waistline, dropping your blood sugar and possibly even getting you off diabetes medication or lowering your dose. But if you stop there, you're missing out. There's another way to stack the deck in your favor and even help reverse your disease: exercise. It does naturally what some drugs do: Sensitizes cells to insulin so they soak up more glucose from the bloodstream, which brings your blood sugar levels down. (ChangeOne for Diabetes)
Given that I hate taking medication, this is a big plus for me. And not something I knew before. So, yeah, awesome!
I know there are some folks out here who are quite quick to dismiss the Wii as a gaming console. But right now its looking like it'll be a good tool for me to use in addition to everything else I've got lined up.
Happy goal getting, folks! :)