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Digital distribution across all platforms.

Got some reading for you first:

Stardock: PC (gaming) Shortfalls "Not Microft's Fault" from Next-Gen.

Three Services, Three Stores: Analyzing XBLA, PSN and Wii Shop Channel from Gamasutra.

Done reading? Good. The Gamasutra one is a bit dry, I realize, but it is an industry site, not a fan site. Anyhow, those of you who've been reading my blgos know digital distribution is one of my pet interests. At anyrate...

PC: Brad Wardell is on the money again when it comes to Microsoft's issues concerning digital distribution, at least PC side. I have to admit it was a little odd not seeing something comprehensively comperable to Live for Windows, and now I see one good reason - anti-trust concerns when dealing with the EU (and while he doesn't say it, possibly the US as soon as the Democrats take control of everything). Its a darn pity that Apple, who's far more tyranical than Microsoft (and who's iPod/iTunes combo is far more a monopoly than Windows Media Player could ever be) has made no strides in this arena either that I know of or have seen. Thankfully, 3rd parties are picking up some of the slack, even if we're not seeing a unified, standard platform for distribution. I think that the competition/coexistance between the various online distributors is excellent and very healthy, though, so I'm thrilled. I would like to see more of the distributors offering legal emulators and ROMs, however - right now Gametap has that niche to themselves and there's no good reason for that.

PS3/PSP: I like how comprehensive Sony's plan is, but I'm rather dissapointed that there's not more coming out for the PS3 itself. It would be *nice* if you could play PSP games on the PS3 as well, but since that's not an option, I'd like to know why there isn't more PS3 PSN games coming out. While Sony has argued quality over quantity, I'm a little afraid they're also passing up a lot of opportunities this distribution method affords them (this is compounded with my general dislike of SCEA in general). I see no reason why, if nothing else, the PS1 game selection isn't larger - are there so few PS1 games that were so unique they couldn't stand the test of time? I don't think so - there really should be more titles made available. On top of that, how many unique PS1 games never came out in the US? Especially RPG's and the like? I realize translation isn't the cheapest thing to do well, but when the game itself is paid for already, a relatively small investment coupled with the lack of manufacturing costs could garner a decent profit (especially if the game was already translated!). Similarly, with the PS3's power, there's no reason why other, older hardware couldn't be emulated, including but not limited to the Saturn or Neo Geo (I'd love to see the Samurai Shodown RPG make it here).

Wii: Not surprising but I'm curious to see how the WiiWare carries out. Its a real shame that the DS isn't really part of this equation. Sony does have Nintendo beat in this regard, and I think Nintendo would do well to think about that in their next DS hardware revision. Nintendo and Sony really are set in different markets, and while Nintendo's market is arguably farther from the core market, they're also more like the market that has made the iPod/iTunes combo so successful. Nintendo's success has been in the "deep blue" marketing strategy they've followed; now they really do need to start expanding on the services they offer to that market. Just make it so easy a Mac user can do it, and they'll be fine.

360: Not too surprising. I wish they were more aggressive with their Xbox Originals program. There are a lot of games out there that would appeal to the 360's core market that are are hard to find now, some of which having online multiplayer. There's no good reason for Phantom Dust (a Microsoft Game Studios title) to not be on there, for example. Likewise, Panzer Dragoon Orta and Gun Valkyrie, both excecllent games, could well find a home on the 360. Similarly to the PS3, there's no good reason not to start going after games from older consoles like the Saturn, Dreamcast, etc. Panzer Dragoon Saga, for instance, would be successful no matter which system it showed up on, and paying $20 is a bargain compared to the $100+ the Saturn game costs on eBay.
