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I'm a step closer to being a 360 owner.

Thanks to a very kind individual here, I'll soon have an Xbox 360 harddrive. After I get done paying some bills (the Geico Gecko, for example, wants his money), I am looking forward to getting a 360. I'm not sure how long it'll be - Christmas is coming up, after all, and I do want to buy people other than myself some presents.

Its strikes me as funny that I've got some 360 stuff already but no system: VF5 Online, a 360 USB pad, the HORI EX2 360 stick, a Live account (used with my old Xbox and Live for Windows, mind you) and soon the harddrive.

Chances are this generation I'm going to be more of a renter than a buyer. I've got some games I'd love to buy, but will probably have to wait until I can get them for $30 or less. I will not be rebuying any of my PC/360 games like Bionic Commando: Rearmed, Gears of War or Devil May Cry 4, gamerscore be damned. But, I will be able to get games that won't run so great on my PC like Bioshock, Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect, which is quite nice.

Money and time being what they are, I don't think I'll be getting the PS3 anytime soon, if at all, this generation. Getting a 360 will already move me up to being bi-platform as is (PC and 360 - and yes, they are different). The family has a Wii, also, so I'm honestly not sure I could get a third platform (four available for gaming) and really get the most out of any of them. Guess when I want a PS3 fix I need to visit a friend of mine @_@

Still, this is a great generation, and the sheer number of great games available on both consoles is staggering. So, I'm quite happy, and excited :)