1. My new video card (MSI Radeon 4670 w/1g ram) is in. A nice little performance boost all around. While not revolutionizing my gaming or anything, I have seen gains in Demigod, City of Heroes and Left4Dead. Its a LOT quieter too - instead of getting a lawnmower starting up when I turn on my PC, its nice and quiet. Likes Windows 7, too.
2. Plants Vs Zombies. Fun game. Silly game. Go download the demo.
3. EA Sport Active. My brother got this from Costco. Monday I tried a workout and it murdered me. Only got halfway done before going "oh to hell with this." Today? After some recovery I started the 30-day Challenge program, selected low-intensity, and made it through. Hot, sweaty, tired, but made it. I like it more than Wii Fit. Worth noting because...
4. Had my follow up physical. Weight is down, good. Bad cholesterol and blood sugar went the wrong direction. Doctor has ordered 150 minutes of exercise per week. Also, a childhood friend, "exercise induced asthma" has returned. So, got an inhaler, got a plan for exercise/diet, and *hopefully* will have better results next go 'round.
Games are great and fun, but so is having a good quality of life when I'm older!