Started at 8:30 a.m. Got done at 9 p.m. Took an hour for lunch. Busy the whole time, wearing multiple hats, and will have to finish up the paper tomorrow (grab the syndicated stuff, double-check the calendar and classifieds, prep for pdf, make the pdf, double check the final paper, ftp the pdf to our printer). You know what? Feels great.
Fun note: Three of the ladies I work with got uber-excited when I told them Costco had Wii's in stock last night (they're gone already). Its hilarious since one of them, her husband had gotten a PS3 for the two of them, and she was actually not so thrilled about it (no draw for her) - I'd imagine a 360 would've gotten the same response to be perfectly honest. But she was totally stoked about the Wii.
"They had them in and you didn't call me why?!"
"I ain't got your number, chick."
Anyhow; going to game until stupid o'clock tonight (its 11:49 p.m. right now), crash, wake up late, goof off, eat lunch, go back to work, then hopefully, weather permitting, I'll enjoy a barbecue with my family at the condo my older brother (15+ years), nephew, neice, nephew-in-law (or whatever), and their kids are staying (they're visiting Maui for a week). No gift cards, so no new gaming stuff for Christmas, but that's okay as I've still got lots of junk to play as is.
Anyhow, Paragon City calls. Enjoy your weekend, and enjoy your New Year.
And to any writers and English majors who might be reading and cringing, yes, I've a paragraph composed a run-on sentence and another sentence that's probably poorly written too. I probably should go and get a book on AP formatting since that's what we use at work, but to be honest? Meh. Later. Right now you're lucky I'm capitalizing and using punctuation :P