You've probably read it from a bunch of places by now. So, here's another theory, reposted from LiK's, which was a repost of what I had put up on the ESLS union board.
Now: here's a thought. The i and ! are not letters/characters, but pictures/symbols.
Symbol + Symbol = Symbol
makes more sense than
Letter + Punctuation Mark = Symbol
Also notice that the font used for "A next metal gear" is not the same as the i or !. While that is good graphic design on the one hand (contrast), its still worth noting. The differnce is to reinfornce, "hey, that's not exactly the same."
One could take it as representing a person(stick figure). In that case, the i can represent one person, and the ! another. Also note that the power symbol isn't - its a near circle with a ! in it rather than a straight line. So its it means something too, although I'm a bit fuzzy as to what.
The green color is typically identified with the XB/360. But if you look at the i and !? Add one player with another and get (whatever that thing is)? To me that means multiplayer. The i and ! are head to head, even.
So, a guess would be Metal Gear Online for the 360. By itself, with no single-player MGS4. There is a stand-alone Metal Gear Online in Japan for the PS3, after all. If MGO is on both systems, then (keeping with Ubisofts "cross platform for only 10% more" claim from a while ago) Konami could double the playerbase for a relatively small investment, double the number of people they can sell expansions and the like to, etc.
And lets face it - MGO going to 360 is no big loss. I don't think Sony would lose any sleep over it at all.