No need for links on this one.
Okay, since before the launch of the Wii and PS3, I was hoping, nay, aching for a good price war between the PS3, Wii and 360. Well, I didn't get it last year. This year?
Sony is introducing the 40g PS3 at $399, lowering the 80g to $499. Good. I like this. I don't think Sony does given the amount of loss the gaming division has been taking, but thems the breaks. They're running a marathon, so it should eventually work out, but they're still pretty deep in the red right now.
Microsoft lowered their prices a bit and made bundles: the $280 360 Arcade (Core, 256 memory card, wireless pad, etc), the $350 Pro Value Bundle (includes Forza 2 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance, $60 value), and the $450 Elite with the same pack-ins. I don't mind pack-ins and combined with the (underwhelming) price drops on the Core and Elite (the Pro's drop was okay, but still not impressive), they're good values. Not bad, but I'm not doing flips. Of course, they're finally in the black, so its understandable they don't want to change their pricing much.
And finally Nintendo. They started at $250 and they're staying there, thanks to the wonders of supply and demand. And the echo of good ol' Reggie stating they were making a profit on day 1? That's still ringing in my ears. Smart business dictates that they not lower their price, granted, but ol' Reg? That comment still smarts; even worse now to be honest.
Unless something dramatic happens before or during the holidays it looks like I'm not getting my price war this year either. Maybe the 2008 holiday season...