Scene It is now coming to all systems - PS3, 360 and Wii.
And boy, some folks think this is a waste of time.
I was a little amused at how often this sentiment came up - "real" gamers don't fool with this stuff. I'm wondering how many of these "real" gamers were still in diapers when us old-school gamers were laying down the punishment during the 8- and 16-bit days. Or 32-bit days, even.
Its a bit funny.
For me, its awesome. No, I don't get to play like I used to - most people my age don't. In fact, most of them don't get to play nearly as much as I can! Significant other, career, family, etcetera. Gamers grow up, certainly, but that doesn't make us any less "real." Something like this is ideal for us as we can get easily have fun with the other people in our lives.
And even beyond my generation, there are plenty of gamers out there with friends who play casually or not at all - this is a perfect game for them. While I'm sure not so many of them have thought of this, but I'm sure they'd have an easier time playing this with those friends than sitting around and playing (insert current hot game). And, certainly, girlfriends would likely have a lot more fun with this.
But still, I'm amused at the nerd-rage and snobbery this has caused.
So, please, everyone - by all means go and pick this up. I've got one of the earlier Scene Its for the 360 and can vouch - its fun with friends. Enjoy!
edit: And I had to reply to the quote up above...
"The "real" gamer would probably have an easier time getting their girlfriend to play this than the latest Call of Duty?"