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Sony news for the holidays.

Three fun things. First, Sony is going to be selling a fair bit of stock in one of its many businesses. Not something I'd care about normally, except that its been suggested that it relates to the second fun thing; two of those ever-trustworthy analysts believe that Sony will be dropping the price of the 80g PS3 down to $499 in time for the holidays, something that should make even the most ardent Sony hater happy if for no other reason than Microsoft and Nintendo will probably react to that somehow (I want my price/bundle domino-effect, dammit!).

Lastly, but not related to the other two, is that Sony and Microsoft's online services have one very important thing in common: Limelight. No, until a week or two ago, I never heard of them either. Now, its never safe to assume that just because they're a new name (to us, John Q. Public) means they're nobody; they have 850 other media companies as clients, including Amazon Unbox, Belo Interactive, Brightcove, DreamWorks, Facebook,, IFILM, ITV Play, Metacafe,, MySpace, NC Interactive and Valve Software. I don't know about you, but I find that pretty impressive, especially if you notice that they even have rival/competing companies onboard (FOX vs MSNBC, Sony vs MS, MySpace vs Facebook).

I don't know about you, but I think 2008 is already shaping up to be a very interesting year.