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[VF] PS3 online a possibility, 360 getting version C confirmed.

Interview here.

I'm hoping Sega does indeed go through with the online upgrade for the PS3 version, possibly rolling it together with an upgrade to make the PS3's VF5 version B into version C to boot (especially if they decide to charge for it). Likewise, nice to see a confirmation on the 360 getting version C instead of a lone website rumoring it will then saying "this might change."

Hope and good news. And, I think, a point of pressure shown:


TVG: Whilst the Xbox 360 has performed well in both Europe and North America, it hasn't done well at all in Japan. Do you feel that Virtua Fighter 5 could be a strong title to push the console across the territory?

Actually, we haven't decided on whether to release Virtua Fighter 5 on Xbox 360 in Japan. If it could help Microsoft's share in Japan and get people to buy the console with the game (in a bundle), then perhaps...


Something tells me Sega is fishing for a deal there. Just a thought, and one that Microsoft might want to take them up on. Of course, if that happens its likely that the PS3 version may never see that patch released, so it might be in Sony's interests to make a counter-offer. Unlike over here, Virtua Fighter is a *much* bigger deal in Japan, and is definitely a prestige title. If you want to play VF5 at home (for fun, or more than likely, practice) in Japan and haven't committed to a system yet, why pay more for the PS3 and VF5vb when you can get a cheap 360 and VF5vC?

That being said, its entirely possible that Sega might not release an online or version C update for the PS3 VF5 or release it on the 360 in Japan. After all, they do have an arcade market to protect. Should be interesting...