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Miku Day! And another FAQ thing.

Today is Miku Day! lol. Today is a day where we remember the legend of Hatsune Miku (or Miku Hatsune if you wanna put it in English Gramar. lol). Miku, like Space Ghost died for us all. Unlike Space Ghost, she left behind a legacy that not even Bruce Willis could ever live up to. Sure, Miku never screamed "Give me back my son!!" as intensly as Mel Gibson did (althopugh you could make her do it, and it would be 100x funnier when she tries to do an angry voice), and she never saved our candy from Jesus Christ like the Easter Bunny gave his life to do (see Easter Blog from a few years ago if you really feel the need to look into that joke), and I'm pretty sure she never defeated Char Aznable in combat using just a standard issue Zaku II, but Miku is still important enough to get her own regional holiday on her birthday, which is something that Sonicchu guy has been demanding for himself for years. lol

Anyway, I was gonna try to write some random story about Miku fighting a random evil leader from world history to save the world, or something, but I got lazy and couldn't think of anything interesting enough in time. Plus I figured it might come out a little more ignorant than funny, so I gave up. I was also trying to get Megurine Luka to narrate the story, since she can speak Enlgish, but I doubt anyone would wanna actually download a soundfile just for that anyway. lol. I was working on a video to upload to Nico Nico for the day, but that wasn't gonna be done anywhere near as soon as I thought it would, so it's way too late for that to be done, since at this point, Miku Day only has like 2 hours left in Japan's time zone. Also, Sega still hasn't given a solid day for the DLC release yet. They just keep saying March 2010. For anyone interested, here's a trailer that finally shows the Hello, Planet sidescroller in motion. Up until this one, we've only been shown a few still shots. I gotta say, the lack of quality makes me want it so much more. lol. I couldn't stop laughing when I first saw a still shot. I expected it to either be like a really nice one, or a really fun one with sub-level graphics. I guess we get the second one. lol. It fits the PV though, so I'm really happy to see it turned out the way it did. Especially now that I know it isn't just a game like Go Right was, where you literally just walk to the right until you get past all the small jumps. lol. I got my PSN account ready, and finally got some Yen on my account. The new price for the DLC has been put up, and now it costs 1,890 JPY. :cry: Oh well, it's still worth it for all the new stuff. lol

So, about the FAQ part in the title. well, I get a ton of random questions on the forums over on the site I work for, and alot of the time, people ask a ton of the same questions over and over, and one of the most common things I get asked is, "How do you make a Japanese PSN account / Buy games from the Japanese PSN store?" Well I figured I'd put the asner on here too, since I get PMs about it here every now and then too. So, I'll type out a walkthrough for setting it up. I'll tell you how to do it so you don't need a credit card check or an actuall valid email to get it to work.

First, create a new user for your PS3. Change to the new user you just made. Then go to the sign up icon where the sign in icon would be for your main account. Click create a new account. Continue until you see the page asking for your country and language and so on. Pick Japan. This will also set the language to Japanese. You can't pick any other language to use at this point. Set the birthday information. This will still be in English numerals.

Next page is the user agreement info. Just click next again.

The next page is sign in info. It will ask for an email first. Just put anything you want. As long as it has "@", and at least one "." in it, it will work. Under that, is password, and confirm password. Check the box to have it save the password. The last part is the security question. Like if you need to have your password sent to you. Just put anything.

Next is the user name you'll have. This is what displays as your PSN name. It' will check if it has been used already, and then lets you move on if it hasn't.

Next is name, name, and gender. Put whatever you want. Gender is optional. I forget if first name is first or not. I haven't looked at the updated sign up yet. Either way, anything works again.

Next is adress. Juts put in a 5 digit number. Any will work. The second thing is a drop down menu. It's important to pick the second option here. Random info for all the other lines in this page.

On the next page, DO NOT click the box. It is a check to make sure the info is valid, which it might not be, and will terminate this account you just made.

Next is the review and confirm the info page. Just click next again. it will load for a second while it creates the account.

It should bring up a page for the PSN store. Click the only option, it will try to sign you in. Let it. You will be taken to the Japanese PSN store.

Here you can find anything you want. There is a ton of anime games (To Love Ru, Haruhi, Cannan, and TONS of others), Japan only PSX games, Japanese DLC, and tons of other stuff you won't have access to in the US PSN store. Just a warning. Japanese DLC WILL NOT work unless you have a disc of the matching region. You can however, still download it no matter what region your PS3 is, and you can get the full PSP game downloads to work also. You can get those on your PS3 and USB download them to your PSP later, or do a direct download from your PSP if you feel like waiting for about a half hour. I'm not exagerating on that time. lol

That's all there is to it, so have fun. I hope that helped anyone interested in trying that out. If you have any questions, just ask. It should be simple enough though.

Special Bonus 56!

I had to have something Miku related for her brithday. lol. I like this video the most out of all the 4th MMD Cup enties, just because it shows off just how much Miku videos contributed to Nico Nico in just the last 3 years. lol. Also, the guy who made this has to be either a Super NEET, or an Ultimate Hikikomori to have the kind of time needed to make this. lol