So, I got a ton of new PMs lately from a ton of people that I have never seen before asking me the most random bullsh*t. So let's clear some things up. First, yes, I use this sn on most sites where I frequent. If I don't use this sn, it's mainly becuase I wanna stay unknown there. I mainly only do this on art sites and things like that. If you see a sn that is some variant of "child of lileth", then 9/10 it's me. You can pm this account and ask to make sure if you want, I really don't care.
No, I will not give you links for games, saves, videos or anything in general upon request unless there is some reason. If we are friends outside of the internoots and I want you to try a game, then I probly would get it to you. If I mention anything you want, that does not mean anything like "hey, I'll give you all links for it". If you want something as in a game, cd, manga, or so on that I mention in my usual blogs, then pm me about it, and we will take things from there.
I hate children. I hate weeaboos. Most of all, I hate weeaboo children. If I do a small review here, then yes, I have probly done a better professional version of it somewhere else for work. No, I will not give a link to those. There really isn't any point to that for either of us. If you really want to see a review by me done on a professional level, I'll probly just do a proper one on here if I ever find a game that is worth that kind of time when I don't get paid for it.
Also, while we are on the subject of things I hate, no, I WILL NOT give links for games. Yes, I play a ton of doujin games, and yes, I do reviews for them and so on. If you have a game and need an English patch for it, I'll probly send it if I have it. If you want a doujin game that you see me mention somewhere, I'd be more than happy to direct you to the circle that makes that particular game. They have websites where you can find info for the game. If you want to just get a game for free just because you are a weeaboo and think that's the cool thing to do, then I hate you, and if blocking people was an option on GS I would.
I have no problem with new people that find me online and want to be freinds and so on, but I'm not going to give links to get a game for free just because they don't sell it in America land. There are many import sites that will gladly help you get games from outsisde of the country for a very cheap price. The postal service of Japan is amazing. Out of the dozens of times I bought items from the cities in the main circle of Japan, I recieved my items in under 4 days with just standard shipping. Whereas American postal service takes over a full week with 2-3 day shipping to get an item form one state over to me. It would literally be quicker to just pick it up myself in most cases with American mail. Trust me there is no reason to fear importing games if you want to play them. Also, the doujin games I review and play are usually under half the price of regular games. You can usually get 2 full games for the price of 1 PS3 game.
Anyway, now that the ranting is out of the way, let's move on to the usual stuff. I finally ended up getting a factory sealed copy of Valkyrie Profile 2. I've always been pissed at myself for not buying it when it came out, but I saw that it didn't sell for sh*t since it's semi-unique, and god forbid anyone play something different. I'm literally the only fan of the series within like a three state radius of here, so I figured it would be in the same small store for a long time, so I kept putting off buying it. Then one day they just got rid of all the copies. lol. So I had to settle for a used copy, and it is scratched to hell. The disk runs, but the music often just stops, and in some parts, the game just freezes. Like, if I have a certain spoiler character in my party, she freezes the game if the victory speach goes to her sometimes. The good news is that the factory sealed copy I just bought is only $19.99, so I got extremely lucky for how rare it is to find a working copy, let alone a factory sealed one these days. Of course, I will have to open it to finally be able to play the game normally, but it's not a high valued game anyway, so I don't care at all with this one. lol.
On the subject of manga, I finally got around to catching up on Silent Sinner in Blue. I'm only on chapter 11 right now, but I'm gonna read a few more chapters after I finish this. They have up to chapter 20 translated so far, and from the preview pic of Aya talking about how they need to start looking for a new miko, I'm gonna assume that 20 is the final chapter. It's pretty good so far. The jokes are very good if you like puns, but it's sort of slow at points. For those of you that don't know, it's a manga written by Zun that is made as a side story to the Touhou series that takes place in the time between MoF and SA. One of the only things I don't like is that some of the stuff Reimu talks about just doesn't hold up anymore now that they have shown story past that point in the time line. Like she makes a joke to Sakuya when she mentions how she hasn't seen her in a logn time, and Reimu jokes that she only plays with gods lately. I mean, yeah, it made sense then, but in SA she went right back to youkai again.
The art in the series is really well done though. They made a good scaling of the characters, which I was happy with since the games don't really define height between people very well. I know that's a small issue, but it get's confusing sometimes. lol. One of the other things I liked so far is that you get to see everyone in alternate clothes for once around chapter 9 when they all go to the SDM to celebrate the rocket being finished. It was a nice change to see everyone dressed differently, even if it was only for one chapter. Plus, they had corssovers in all the other offical manga where you'd see what some of them actually did when they weren't in the main part of the SDM durring that time. They also used the other series to explain things that SSiB didn't, like where Flandre was thew whole time. lol.
But yeah, this blog is kinda long just because of the rant at the start. I don't really have much to talk about this time, but I'm just frustrated over all the random spam I get here and wanted to write about it to kill some time. lol. I guess that doesn't make much sense now that I think about it.