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So many new games at once.

I'm sorry for doing a billion blogs lately. This will be the last one for a a week or two, unless I get my project done in time for Miku day and post it here, but I really doubt it'll be done by the deadline. lol.

Anyway, there's been a few new games announced recently, and I'm officially gonna be broke again pretty soon. lol. There's a new Touhou due at this year's Reitaisai festival announced a week or two agao, the Miku DLC, and they finally gave more info and official detaials on the second Miku game, plus some new doujin games. The new Miku game looks like it will be 'go kill yourself' dificulty this time around. Damn Miku being such a strick musician. Even my teacher wasn't that strick. lol

Anyway, I guess I'll star twith the new Touhou since that was announced first. Zun posted in his last blog a week or two ago about a new project he's been working on. Of course, he was druink as susual, so it was a little tough to translate all of it. The basic idea is, the next game is pretty much already done, and this one will be another side story game... sort of. Touhou 12.5 will officially be named, 'Double Spoiler: Touhou Bunkachou'. So of course, since this is the second worst game name in hhistory, you can already tell, it's another Aya game. This is going to be the sequel to 10.5 Shoot the Bullet. Zun said "This game will torture you with so much danmaku that even if you thought, 'Forget stories or development or anything, I just wanna kill time with a short minigame,' you'll spend hours slaving away, loving every moment." He went on later to say that "[The game] will be on sale for 1,000 JPY at the Team Shanghai Alice Ensamble booth for 1,000 JPY (yen) at Reitaisai". He also had tons of redundant sentences like that stating the same informantion multiple times. lol. Of course, all the stuff I put here is just a slightly more understandable version of his drunken typings. So yeah, I hated STB, and I really don't think I'll buy this, even if it is just $10. Maybe if they gave it away for free I'd consider it, just to fill in my collection, but I doubt it. There's also some screen shots posted for the game, but honestly, his art reverted to pre-UFO quality, and the game looks exactly like the first Aya game.

So, the other news being they finally started to release official news for the second Miku game a few days ago. The working title for now is just Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA 2nd. Basically, there was like 2 pages of info in a magaizne. The info only stated two of the new songs, but it said there will be new objects for the editor mode, a more comfortable editor mode, new modules (costumes), and previous data can be carried over to the new game (Project DIVA 1 saves and possibly the DLC). The new game will feature use of the D-pad now also, so it will have 8 buttons instead of just the original 4, there will be drag icons, or sliders as some games refer to the gimmick, the score system will be redone like in the Arcade version of the game, and a few other improvements. They finally announced by "Hold onto the consoles you have now", they meant that 2 will be on the PSP also. They say the game is about 70% done in the development stages right now, and that the game's release date is on schedual for July 29th 2010. Pre-orders have't started yet though.

The set price for the 2nd Miku game is at 6090 JPY. I think that might have been a typo or something though. It'll convert to be about $60, like every other PSP game in Japan. There's no way it would be 600-something. Thye haven;t said if there will be a limited edition version for the second game or not like they had with the first. There are rumors that there will be a an actual cutom Miku PSP set with the game as a packin deal this time, since Sega released a PSP accessory set last time, but there isn't anything confirmed yet on that either. I kinda hope they don't go all out for an official Miku PSP, because knowing how I get with anything expensive and pointless, I'd probably waste half a Paycheck just to get one. lol. Either way, I'm really excited about the game. The first one is one of the only music games I ever liked, and is basically the only rythm game that ever actually had a sense of rythm. Which is great, because if you are a real musician, most of the games that have no idea how to keep timing are impossible since they are always at least a full second or more off timing, which makes them impossible for real musicians to play.

So yeah, I'm too lazy to post scans of the magaizne that all this was in. Besides, photo hosting sites have been uploading stuff a like 1/8th the original size lately, and I don't feel like messing with that to get it fixed today. I would talk about some of the doujin games I'm looking forward to, but seriously, no gives a sh*t about anything in this blog anyway, so why continue to waste both of our time with that? lol. Also, for anyone reading my older blog about the English class, I just spent 12 hours straight doing a new paper for that class yesterday, so I'm back up to an A now. lol. Just thought I'd put that there for anyone wondering. Also, never sit and type for that long. I'd seriously rather kill myself than ever do that again for any reason.

Anyway, I just wanted to post something since I'm bored and wanted to get some of the info out there before it got too far past the point of it being relevant, or even news anymore. lol. Like I said earlier, this will probably be the last blog for a while, since I'm trying to go back to like one a month, or like one every two weeks at the most again. I know my blog probably get annoying since they are neve about anything intersting to anyone but me. lol. I might do another one soon for Miku Day, but if I don't get the project done in time, I might not. lol. If not, my next blog will be the (3rd?) annual Q&A thing.

Special Bonus 55!

Nico Nico has the best memes, ever. And some one finally had the idea to put all the best out of those from last year into one big compilation video. lol. This really reminds me of how much I miss some of these. Especially the Get Down. That was probably my favorite thing form that site ever. Oh, Get Down, you brought me so much joy in my life. Why did you have to leave me?! lol The sad thing is, I can still name each individual meme in there. lol. Also, Chen look very similar to one of my friends durring the Hamster Dance part. I think it's the hair or something. lol

Surprisingly absent fro mthe video are RED ZONE, Shift Change, and Buri Hamachi. Too Lazy to find an old RED ZONE, or an origin RED ZONE video to link. Also, I picked the Luka one for Buri Hamachi, because she's my favorite. lol

So anyway, I'm officially on Spring Break, and Vacation from work. Now I'm off to spend the next like 8 days doing nothing but catching up on manga and games. lol Also, since I can't ever hear or think of the word without hearing slowbeef doing the line, "WOOOOO!! SPRING BREAK!!!". lol. No one will get that reference.